Chapter Thirty Four: Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed

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"He planned for it all to start with a dare

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"He planned for it all to start with a dare." -Zamzam Amin, IASWAD.

CHAPTER THIRTY FOUR: Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed

Zamzam Amin

"Aliyah stop moving!" I tried my best to finish her makeup but she was making it close to impossible at this point. "I can't! I'm sorry but I'm just so excited." She squealed. After much struggle I finished doing the finishing touches on her makeup. "Smile!" Our photographer for the day a.k.a Samantha said as she snapped a Polaroid photo of us.

I couldn't help but smile at Aliyah, she looks absolutely stunning Mashallah. We were inside Aliyah's room at the moment helping her get ready. All of the guests are downstairs eating and having fun as they wait for the guest of honor to come down. "You ready?" I squeezed her shoulders in excitement.

She nodded her head. "Let's go."

Aliyah stood before us while Sam and I linked arms in the back. "Our little girl has grown up." I fake cried. "They grow up so fast." Sam agreed as she pretended to cry as well. "Shut up." Aliyah said with a smile still plastered on her face as we walked down the stairs and into the wide living room. No wonder they didn't need to rent out a place. This house is huge! The moment Aliyah was seen everyone went silent and stared at her in awe. Amir's mouth literally dropped to the floor. I bet he's probably thinking what did I do to deserve her? I always knew they'd be a perfect match for each other.

From the side of the room I caught a glimpse of Adam. Mashallah, he looked good as always. He then looked at me and our eyes locked for a split second. That is until I looked away out of embarrassment. Aliyah sat next to Amir on a huge love shaped sofa.

Amir grabbed the ring he had in his pocket and placed it on Aliyah's finger. Aliyah also placed the ring she had on his finger. Everyone cheered around them and they were pushed to the dance floor.

"Who would've thought Amir would get engaged first?" Isa said with a chuckle.

"Tell me about it," I said with a chuckle. "I'm surprised you came back so soon."

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world. You can't get rid of me that fast lil sis." He looked at me as if I was ridiculous to think he wouldn't. "But, I have to go back tomorrow." He said in a solemn tone. After an hour or so all of the guest had left and it was just Aliyah, Samantha, Zahra, Amir, Isa and Alex along with my dad and Grams left.

All of the guys were in the living room while us girls were upstairs in the den.

"It's so hot. I'm going to go outside for a moment." I got up and headed to the backyard. It felt nice being out here in the star filled sky. "Zamzam?" Adam came outside as well. Wow this is the first time he's said my name in two months. "H-Hey... I'll leave if you want." I started to leave but he stopped me.

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