New Story

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[Cover my HornsOfARebel ]

Hey guys! I have a new story out called Sisters By Chance and I'd love it if you guys read it! This is something completely new to me and I'm so excited to write it! Don't worry I'm still going to update this story regularly. Also the new chapter is underway! I have a feeling you guys will love my new story as well so please give it a try. Thank you!:)


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The lady pushed as hard as she could and a babies cry was heard through out the room. "One of the babies is out." The nurse said as she handed the baby to another nurse who went to clean her off. "You could do it." The ladies husband said as he held her hand. "Ahhhh!!!" She pushed one last time and continued until another baby's cry was heard. The nurse took the baby and washed her off as the other one was brought back. The dad held the tender baby in his arms and swayed her back and forth. "Here you should hold her. She should at least know that her mom has held her before," He placed the baby in her hands. The mother cried as she swayed her gently back and forth while the nurse brought the other baby to the father.

"Why does it have to be like this?" The mother cried. She wanted both of her babies and her husband but she knew it wasn't possible. She knew that she had no choice, this is what's best for them. "I love you," She kissed the babies head as the tears continued to fall.

"I love you so much," The father cried as well as he held the other baby in his arms. "I'm sorry I won't be there to see you grow. But this is what's best for you, I love you so much." He continued to rock the baby in his hands knowing that this would be the last time he would ever hold her.

"This is what's best for our children. This would keep them safe," The mother said as she wiped her tears away. "You're right." The father agreed.

"This is what will keep them safe. They must never find out about each other..."

Sahra and Sumayah are two twin sisters that grew up never knowing the other one existed. What happens when they suddenly bump into each other? What happens when they realize that the reason that they were separated to begin with is something that could endanger their lives? Could they over come the obstacles that are hurling their way at them? Or will they crumble under the pressure? Find out in Sisters By Chance a.k.a How To Be A Twin.

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