Chapter Twenty Seven: Moments

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{Pic of Baba and Isa together⬆️}

"I swear if you ever go missing again Zamzam Amin I will

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"I swear if you ever go missing again Zamzam Amin I will... Annoy you so much with my corny jokes." -Amir Ali, IASWAD.


Zamzam Amin

For the past month hardly anyone in my family would let me leave their sight. If Baba wasn't watching me then Grams would be and if Grams couldn't then Isa would etc. It's gotten to the point where I couldn't help but feel frustrated. I know that they were worried sick when I disappeared and they're only doing that because they love me but still. I can't help but feel suffocated by all of it. "Baba, I'm fine." I said for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Okay but I'm not letting you leave my sight." Baba replied as he looked at me with a loving gaze. "I feel like I've been too busy with work that I've been neglecting you. I can't believe you got kidnapped yet there wasn't much I could do to help you. I didn't do my job as a father, I didn't protect you as much as I could have. I'm so sorry Habibti." I wrapped my arms around Baba tightly. My heart shattered into a million pieces when I heard him say that. He blames himself for what happened to me which is ridiculous. "It's okay Baba, please don't say that. You're the best father any girl could ever have and I love you. You've always went the extra mile for all of us so please don't blame yourself for anything." I said as I wiped my tears away along with his.

"Remember the song I used to sing to you to help you fall asleep?" He said as he cleared his throat.

"My little girl." I smiled at the memory. Whenever I was sad Baba would sing that song to make me feel better. He's been doing that ever since I was five years old. "Can you sing it for me Baba?" I really wanted to hear his soothing voice. "Of course." He gladly replied with a gentle smile on his face. I laid in my dad's arms as he sang the nasheed. The only place I'll always feel safe in is my in my father's warm embrace.

"You are a miracle, you are a blessing from above. You brought joy to my soul and pleasure to my eyes." Baba sang as he brushed my hair back gently. "In my heart I can feel it, an explainable feeling. "Being a father, the best thing that I could ever ask for. Just thinking of you makes me smile, holding you, looking in your eyes. I'm so grateful for having you and everyday I pray, I pray that you find your way. You know I love you, I love you my little girl. My little girl, I ask God to bless you and protect you always, my little. My little girl." He sang softly. Ever since I was young my father's voice always seemed to put me in a trance and make all my problems fade away.

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