Chapter Fifteen: Betrayal

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"Wow it's weird seeing Bridgewood High's it boy being respectful

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"Wow it's weird seeing Bridgewood High's it boy being respectful." -Zamzam Amin, IASWAD.

Adam Mathews

"Kathie, I have to tell him... He's my best friend for crying out loud! I've been keeping this secret in for too long and I can't anymore. I feel guilty about what we did to him." The moment I heard that sentence I let go of the bag I had in my hands and everything else. What could Alex possibly mean by that? Was he the person Kathie cheated on me with!? My best friend! The person who I could always count on would do this to me.

"A-Adam uh what are you doing here?" He asked with a nervous expression written all over his face. The moment I saw his face I knew my suspicions were right. How could he do this to me? How could they do this to me!? I turned to Kathie with burning eyes, she did this. They did this, I will never forgive them.

"He was the one you cheated on me with? Out of all the guys in the world you went after my best friend!?" I couldn't control my temper. "And you," I turned to Alex. "You went after my girlfriend without knowing if I still had feelings for her or not. How could you do this to me? I thought you were one of the only people in my life that I could always trust. But I guess I was wrong." There were no words to describe how I'm feeling right now.

"Adam please let us explain!" Kathie exclaimed with desperation in her voice. I looked between her and Alex is pure disgust."It's not what it looks like." She added in a softer tone.

"She's right," Alex agreed. "Please Adam I'm sorry. But you have to understand it was-" I cut him off, not wanting to hear another one of his lame excuses. I can't stand to look at them a second longer because I know if I do I'll either do, or say something I will regret later. "Save it." I grabbed my belongings and left his house. Now I don't have anywhere to go. At least until my father leaves next week for Paris I'll have to find another place to crash.

* * *

"You could stay with us. I already asked my father and he said he's okay with it as long as it's for a couple of days." Isa said on the other line. I let out a sigh of relief, "Don't worry it's only going to be for a week tops. Thanks for letting me stay with you guys." I responded in a grateful tone. "No problem bro." After that we said good bye and hung up.

For once in my life I feel like I've made a true friend. I'm lucky to have a friend like Isa, someone who's loyal and will always be there. That's exactly the kind of friend I need right now considering what just happened. I knew the moment I drove into Alex's driveway and saw Kathie's car parked out front, that something weird was going on. So I let myself in to his house by using the spare key under the door mat to find out. I didn't expect anything at first, I just thought they were talking. But no, they weren't just talking. They were talking about what they did to me. And that's when I put two and two together. The guy that she was making out with was Alex.

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