Interview #2 (Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest)

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INTERVIEW: [Adam, Isa and Amir]

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INTERVIEW: [Adam, Isa and Amir]

Me: Hey guys so since you guys loved the last interview I did with these three weirdos I decided why not do another one?

All three boys look at me as if I was crazy.

Adam: Yeah we're the weird ones.

Amir: You were the one who flew us all the way from New York just to ask us embarrassing questions!

Isa: I kinda don't mind considering all the ladies went crazy over me last time

Adam: *Rolls eyes* And you guys think I'm the cocky one, ha!

Me: Would you guys be quiet so we could start the interview? Who wants to answer the first question?

They all yelled he does and pointed at each other.

Me: Okay looks like I'll have to choose. Eeenie meeni mini, Isa! *Smirks*

Isa: Hey I'm still mad at you about getting me into that accident. The least you could do is not start off with me *pouts*

Me: Aw don't be mad at me! You know I only did that to make you stronger. Just to make you happy I'll ask you an easy question.

Isa: *Sighs* Okay you're forgiven.

Me: If you had to choose any of the readers of this book that are crazy about you to marry who would it be?

Isa: You said it wouldn't be hard!

Adam: Just hurry up and choose bro we don't have all day.

Me: Yes, listen to Mr. Cranky.

Adam: First I was Mr. Cocky and now I'm Mr. Cranky, okay.

Me: Shush Cranky!

Amir: Cranky is right can we hurry this up?

Isa: That's hard because I appreciate every reader of this book. But if I had to choose I guess I'd marry sabrinali369 because she was one of the few that was always there from the beginning.

Me: Aw why're you so cute? *Attacks him with a hug*

Isa: Are you going to attack me with hugs every time we do an interview?! *Pushes me away once again*

Me: *Shrugs* Maybe. Now my next question is for cutie pie Amir!

Amir: Cutie pie?

Both Adam and Isa laugh at the nickname I gave him

Me: Yes cause you're a little cutie pie! Question time, how are things going between you and Aliyah? *Nudges his shoulder*

Amir: *Blushing* Good.

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