Chapter Three: Change

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"There are people out there who starve, who don't have shelter or don't get the education they need

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"There are people out there who starve, who don't have shelter or don't get the education they need. And there are also people who have way too much money that they don't even know what to do with it, they think the world revolves around them and they can get away with anything with money and power." -Zamzam Amin, IASWAD.


Zamzam Amin

I have six months to make the jock change his ways. I know that I can do it and show him there's more to life than looks. It's just going to be... challenging. I got out of my car and walked up the steps to our house. My family and I live in a brownstone house which is connected to many other houses as well.

The only people that were actually home were Grams and Isa. They're usually here around this time. "Salam!" I called out as I set my keys and backpack down.

I walked inside the living room and not to my surprise Amir was siting with Isa watching football. Boys, I thought to myself with a roll of my eyes. "Hey Smurf." Amir said as he stuffed popcorn into his mouth. "Just eat your popcorn Girraffe." I replied as I sat down on the couch. Remind me again why I'm best friends with this guy?

"Hey Grams said that she can't cook food today so you have to." Isa stated as he grabbed some popcorn. I swear to you this boy is constantly talking about food. Then again us Amin's love our food. I love food but I don't love cooking it. I mean standing over the hot stove for an hour? No thank you. "Let's order food. I really don't feel like cooking!" I whined. And plus my food isn't that good... Okay fine I got all of my cooking skills from my mom and grandma. I know how to cook a lot of different types of food but that doesn't mean I enjoy making them. Maybe on some occasions I do, but not always.

Reluctantly Isa got out his phone and started dialing a number. I'm guessing he's ordering either Chinese food or pizza, that boy can't get enough of either of those. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket so I took it out. It was a text from an unknown number... Weird.

Unknown:  Hey Scarfy! I stole your phone earlier when you weren't looking and got your number. You better save my number! If u don't I will steal your phone again and save it for you under Mr.Sexy! Anyways don't forget about our deal! I'm really looking forward to you being my slave for 12 months!

I stared at the text in annoyance. Who does he think he is? Mr.Sexy? Please! I quickly started texting back.

Me:  Good luck because it's not going to happen!

Automatically I got a text back.

Unknown: You know it is ;) Anyways meet me tomorrow by the football field! I'm not taking no for an answer! P.s, you should really lock your phone, tsk.

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