Chapter Nine: Things Just Got Real

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"You have to admit I'm the best knight in shining armor there is

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"You have to admit I'm the best knight in shining armor there is." -Adam Mathews, IASWAD.
CHAPTER NINE: Things Just Got

Zamzam Amin

"Okay so I have an idea!" Sam shrieked with excitement. I closed my door and jumped on my bed beside her. "What is it!?" I asked desperately. What? I need ideas! It's not that I don't have enough confidence or anything but I'm seriously slumped.

She smiled widely at me. "Well there's this charity thing my mom is hosting and we need help setting up. The event is on the weekend but it's going to take us all week to get ready for it. So what do you say? Can you guys help?" She asked excitedly. I actually think it might work. Charity? That's great! That'll totally work and plus we're also helping people. I need to step up my game if I'm going to change Adam Mathews. There's no way in hell I'm going to be his slave!

"Great let's do that!" I agreed giving her a high five.

"Okay after school I'll meet you at your house then we could meet up with him." She confirmed. I nodded my head in agreement. Suddenly she gave me a weird look, wait a minute I know that look. I already know what she's thinking and I don't like it. "Okay I just have to say this, he is hot!!!!!" She exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes at her. Yes he's very good looking but so what? "Oh come on! You can't deny that he's gorgeous!" She continued to fan girl. "Whatever, let's go down stairs I'm hungry." After that we went down to the kitchen and got some food from the fridge. Just as we entered the kitchen Isa came inside the house looking all sweaty. I turned to Sam with a smirk. She's always had a huge crush on Isa ever since we were little. I could tell she felt uneasy once he stepped into the kitchen. Suddenly a disgusting smell wafted throughout the kitchen. "Ew go take a shower!" I pinched the bridge of my nose in disgust.

"Do I smell?" He asked with a smile. He walked up to me and shoved my head in his arm pit. "Ew, you're so gross!!" I shrieked, trying to free myself.

He's so disgusting!

Samantha, who was watching the whole scene started laughing loudly. Great she's not going to help me? And she says she'll always have my back, ha! I hit him in the ribs in order to free myself. Luckily that worked because he let go of me and held his ribs. "Ouch! That hurt!" He complained. I stuck my tongue at him in response. I know that's childish but who cares?

* * *

It was midnight right now and everyone was asleep. Well everyone except Isa and I. This dude woke me up out of my sleep just so we could 'Talk'. I wonder what he wants to talk about. Whatever it is it couldn't have waited until tomorrow? "What do you want?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

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