Chapter Twenty Eight: Dreams, Perfect Dresses And Awkward Encounters

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"Okay did I just step into a parallel universe?" -Alex Bryant, IASWAD

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"Okay did I just step into a parallel universe?" -Alex Bryant, IASWAD.
CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT: Dreams, Perfect Dresses And Awkward Encounters

Zamzam Amin

I pressed my ear against the door to hear them better. Am I seriously imagining this? Never did I ever think Adam would be interested in learning about Islam. "Are you interested?" Isa asked, sounding just as surprised as me. "I-uh, I don't know...sorry bro, it was a stupid question." Adam mumbled.

"No it isn't. Dude I'd be happy to teach you about it. Come inside my room." Isa responded. I continued to stand there in total and utter shock. I then approached my bed and laid down with a heavy mind.

I let out a sigh as I opened my eyes slowly, the first thing I saw was the incredible view of New York City through the window in our room. Sometimes I still can't believe that I live in a pent house like this and get to wake up to this view everyday. I then tossed to my side and saw Adam sprawled out on his side of the bed, sleeping peacefully. Sometimes, I also can't believe I married him, the kind of man that I never imagined that I would marry. I mean this guy literally completely changed everything about him and became the person he is today. I'm always in awe of him. Snap out of it Zam, it's too early in the morning to be this cheesy, I thought to myself. My eyes began to trail his whole entire face, from his perfectly tousled hair, his long eyelashes, his nose, and his lips. "Am I that good looking?" Adam asked with a smirk making it's way across his features. I quickly snorted and replied with the best nonchalant remark I could think of on the spot.

"You wish baby, you wish."

"Oh really?" He propped himself on his elbow as he turned to me, giving me a daring look.

"Yeah, really."

"Then why were you staring at me? Darling." He taunted, his smirk growing wider and wider by the second. "It's okay cause I was staring at you as well." He added as he winked at me playfully. I couldn't help but smile as I sat up and tried to get off of the bed but Adam managed to yank me back, causing me to land on top of him. "What're you doing?" I asked, feigning annoyance. "I just want to admire my wife, is there something wrong with that?" He asked with a raised eyebrow clearly not making a move to get up and ready for the day. I playfully hit him on his chest and pulled both of us out of bed.

I quickly sat up and started to panic about the dream. What the heck? What is wrong with me? Getting up, I go to the bathroom and made wudu. I need Allah right now. As I started praying my salat a sense of peace ran throughout my body.

A couple of hours later Aliyah and I decided to go to the mall together. "It was so weird." I told her as we walked around the mall. She squealed once I finished explaining my dream. "Yay! I knew you liked him." She exclaimed loudly, making people look our way. I quickly covered her mouth with my hand. "First, be quiet you're too loud. And second I don't like him. Okay? It was just a bizarre dream."

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