Chapter Thirty: Weddings (Part One)

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[Play this nasheed while reading! It'll get you feelin' the Eid vibezzzz!!!! Dat Dab thoo⬆️😂]

[Play this nasheed while reading! It'll get you feelin' the Eid vibezzzz!!!! Dat Dab thoo⬆️😂]

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"I'm seriously not looking for another cocky Adam Mathews. I already have to deal with one and I'm not in need of another." -Zamzam Amin, IASWAD.

CHAPTER THIRTY: Weddings (Part One)

Zamzam Amin

"I know that I have no right asking this are you?" Mahmoud asked as he gave me a look of worry. I know that I shouldn't feel bad for him or even forgive him but somehow I just can't find it in myself to be angry at him. He only did what he did for his family, for his dying mother, and for his younger sisters. His father and older brothers never helped with anything, so all of the responsibilities of making sure his family was fed and taken care of fell on his shoulders. So I how could I not forgive him?

I felt bad seeing him behind bars.

"I'm okay, how are you holding up?"

"In Shaa Allah, I'll manage. I was told if I have good behavior then I could be out in a couple of months." He said optimistically. We then talked for a couple of minutes until he suddenly stopped talking and looked down. "I am..." He let out a sigh. "I am so sorry for what happened to you back there. I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness but I hope that you know how truly sorry I am. You didn't deserve what happened to you and if there was a way I could take it back then I would." He stated as a tear made its way down his cheek.

I don't know why but when I was talking to Mahmoud, I found myself crying at his apology. Maybe I was being hormonal? I don't know. But all I know was that I couldn't hold them back. Now here I am at the house sitting in the living room with Grams, Baba, and Abdirahman. Apparently Isa had something to tell all of us.

"A couple of months ago, while I was practicing for the match I had a while back, I saw an ad for a free boxing scholarship in California. I told Abdirahman that I was thinking of applying and after much thought, I did." He cleared his throat. "This morning I got my acceptance letter. They want me to be in California by June but I think I should go sooner. Like this month so I could get used to being there." He concluded, all in one breath.

Baba and Grams were silent for a good minute.

"Wow." Baba stroked his beard in thought. Grams got up and enveloped Isa in a hug, I also joined the hug. Although I'm going to miss him like hell, I'm still happy for him. He's chasing his dream. What's wrong with that? "Follow your dreams, Habibi." Grams said after we let go of him.

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