Chapter Twenty Three: Plays, Drama And Drama

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"She would never think of me the same way I think of her

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"She would never think of me the same way I think of her. Who would?" -Adam Mathews, IASWAD.
CHAPTER TWENTY THREE: Plays, Drama And Drama

Adam Mathews

I stared at my mother wide eyed as if I was imagining seeing her right in front of me. I mean I knew she was here but I didn't think I'd see her so soon. She as well looked surprised to see me but quickly recovered. "Adam take Zamzam and her friend now. I have to go somewhere." She commanded as she walked away from us. "Let's go get Aliyah." I told Zamzam as I walked beside her into the library.

"Wait, what's going on? How am I in danger?" She questioned worriedly.

"Look, let's just get your friend and go then I promise you after that I'll answer any questions you throw my way. Right now we don't have time okay?" I responded feeling irritated all of the sudden. She did as I told and got Aliyah. "Follow me!" I shouted as I unlocked my car and turned on the engine. For a moment I rest my head against the steering wheel as I tried to calm myself down. I just saw my mom after so many years of missing her... No Adam this isn't the time for that, I reminded myself. I need to get a grip of my emotions and clear my head. As I started driving, I noticed Zamzam and Aliyah driving behind me.

Suddenly my phone started vibrating so I answered it. "Hey where are you? Amir told me everything." I could hear panic in Isa's voice. "Where are you taking Zamzam?" He added worriedly. I groaned slightly at that part. Damn, I didn't think of where I should take her. "I don't know dude. Where do you think is safe for her at the moment?" I replied. Before he could answer my phone started ringing again indicating someone else was calling me. It's weird because it's a number that I don't recognize.


"Its your mother, Adam. Bring Zamzam and her friend to an address that I'm about to text you. After you guys get here I want to have a real conversation with you explaining everything. I love you my son." My mom then hung up. A second later I received the address to wherever it was she wanted us to go. I then texted Isa and told him where I'd take Zamzam and Aliyah.

I just hope that everything turns out alright in the end. Right now in this moment I've never been so confused and messed up inside. So many things in my life has changed in just about two months. Before this I was the it boy, every girl wanted me and every guy wanted to be me. I used to understand why they would but now I don't understand why anyone would want me or want to be me, I'm damaged goods.

She would never think of me the same way I think of her. Who would?

My life is so screwed up. I mean my father tried to kill my mother and still is trying to! Who has parents like that? Even if she did like me there's no way we'd ever be together. She's Muslim and I'm not. I've never believed in a God and he's all she believes in. Why am I even thinking like this? I seriously need to get a grip!

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