Chapter Twelve: Oh My Allah!

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"I think you're blushing

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"I think you're blushing." -Adam Mathews, IASWAD.

Zamzam Amin

I entered first period history with a major headache which I just couldn't shake. I don't know why but I have a feeling today will not be a good day. As I sat down I noticed that Adam didn't try to annoy me, he just sat in his seat and looked deep thought. I guess I should be relieved about that, right? But why am I not? I have no idea what is wrong with me today.

"Hello class," Mrs. Smith said as she closed the door behind her. "Your projects are due in one week so I hope you guys have started on them."

Oh my god I completely forgot about the project! I usually always get my projects done a couple of days before they're due but this time is different. I just had so much to think about this week that I completely forgot. I turned to Adam with my eyes wide open and he did the same. He quickly got out his phone and started texting.

My phone buzzed in my pocket indicating that I got a text.

Mr. Cocky: Let's meet up at the library tomorrow.

I quickly started to reply to him hoping Mrs. Smith won't look my way and catch me.

Me: Okay.

After another 40 minutes or so, the bell rang and everyone sprang from their seats. "Zamzam and Adam can you guys stay for a second?" Mrs. Smith asked as she gestured for us to go to her desk. What could she want? After a couple of seconds we made our way to her desk.

"I have to ask you guys something."

That much I figured, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. You see Mrs. Smith and I never really had a good relationship. Ever since freshmen American History she would always test my patience. "What is it?" Adam asked in a slightly annoyed tone. "Well I am directing the school musical this year and I could use both of you guys's assistance." She stated as she looked at both of Adam and I.

I really don't like the sound of this.

"Since Zamzam you're great with drawing and designing you could help with set design. And Adam, I've heard you sing before and you're really good. I really need both of you guys because if we don't pull this play off people are going to stop funding for the arts at this school. So that means no glee, drama or art clubs. Also if you guys do decide to do it it'll count as volunteer hours. Adam all you have to do is audition and Zamzam all you have to do is listen in and draw sketches of set designs. The only reason I'm asking you guys is because I know you're both really talented and your talents can make a big impact."

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