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Hey guys the reason why I haven't updated much was because my dad who was gone for almost three years just came back into my life. He came back from Somalia yesterday and I still can't believe it. Ever since he left a lot has changed. One of the many things that changed is my family moved from our old home we lived in for 7 years. So seeing him coming inside our new (new to him. We've lived here for two years now) house was such a sight for me.

I've always imagined him walking through the front door in my head and how I'd react. Honestly I didn't react the way I wanted to. I kept telling myself I won't cry so when I was in front of him I didn't. But then when I was alone I lost it. I didn't know how much I really missed him until I saw him right in front of me. Now I'm just happy he's back.

Sure there were times when I was really upset with him but then after I saw him I wasn't upset anymore. I was thankful that he came back and my mom wouldn't have to deal with everything on her own anymore. Also I don't think I'll be able to update until school ends in two weeks. I have so many exams and projects and stuff I have to get ready for. I'm about to be a senior and I know that there will be hurtles thrown at me. So I can't always focus on my writing. I hope you guys understand!

Much love!







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