Chapter Nineteen: Hit Me Like A Ton Of Bricks

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"For the first time it actually hurt me to see how much my words effected her and even more so when I walked away

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"For the first time it actually hurt me to see how much my words effected her and even more so when I walked away." -Adam Mathews, IASWAD.
CHAPTER NINETEEN: Hit Me Like A Ton  Of Bricks

Adam Mathews

"Adam honey where are you? I'm gonna get you!" Mama exclaimed. I could hear silent foot steps coming my way making me bolt to the other side of the room. Suddenly I felt someone pick me up off of the ground and twirl me around.

"Gotcha!" Ma said as she tickled my stomach.

I quickly snapped my eyes open, finally coming back to reality. I grabbed a water bottle and gulped the rest of its remains down my throat. Now that I found out the truth about what happened I can't get over the fact that my life is so messed up because of him. At first I resented my mom but now I understand her. He pushed her away, took her away from me and everyone else she cared for.

I looked at my watch and noticed the time on it.


Damn, I'm late for school.

* * *

"Adam!" Amir shouted as he ran up to me in he halls. I slowed down my walking so he could catch up. I'm guessing Isa told him everything so now he's coming to consult me. You know what's funny? Just a little over a month ago I never would've thought that I'd actually become friends with Isa and Amir. I couldn't even stand seeing them and now I actually like hanging out with them. They feel more like real friends than any of the people I used to hangout with before ever felt like.

"What's up?" I questioned while slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "What are we going to do about you-know-what?" He asked worriedly. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do at the moment. The one thing I know for sure is that I'm bringing my mother back and we're going to face my father together. I just don't know where she is or how to get in contact her.

"I don't know but we'll figure it out hopefully." I responded with a heavy sigh. "Okay but if you need me I'm here for you." He then went the other direction to his class. I'm really dreading seeing Scarfy because Isa told me about their conversation last night. What am I supposed to say when she asks me what's going on? I know for a fact that I don't want her involved but I also know that she won't give up.

She's the type of person who'd do anything to protect the people she loves and she'd do anything for her brother. She won't give up until she finds out what's going on.

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