~Chapter 5

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The next day I walked to school all by myself, half expecting George to catch up with me.

I went to my locker and then to class. George wasn't there. I started to get worried. Just as class was about to start George came bursting through the door.

"Sorry I'm late" he said panting from running down the hall. The teacher gave him the evil eye and told him to go sit down.


"Hi. Where were you?" I asked him. "I slept in and my alarm clock didn't go off."


I sat at lunch with George, John and his friends again. They were talking about the band.

"So your comin' to practice today, right" John said to George.

"Ya. Where is it again?"


"You know, Julia, you can come too if you want" Paul said inviting me.

"No thanks. I don't want to be a distraction."

"Ye won't be." John said giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fine. Only because I can't say no to puppy dog eyes" I said laughing.


"George" I called catching up with him. "Yeah. what is it" he said to me turning around. "Um, Can you pick me up later and show me to Paul's house. I don't know where it is."

"Sure. How is 6:45"

"Perfect" I said as he took my hand and walked me home.


I was brushing my hair. I looked at my clock, George would be here any minute. I heard a knock on the door. 'That's him' I thought.

I opened the door. "Hey. Are you ready?" he asked me. "Yep. Let's go" I said grabbing his hand.

I didn't know I lived so close to Paul's. I don't really remember the walk yesterday so it was all new. The walk was only about two minutes.

We got there and Paul answered the door. "Hey. We're set up in the back." Paul led us through his house again to the backyard.

"Guys they're here." Paul announced to the whole band. "Great let's get started." John said putting the guitar strap over his shoulder.

"Do you know how to play Twenty Flights Rock" asked John.


"Great. 1,2,3,4"


"So what d'ya think?" Paul asked me. "You guys were amazing. I loved it" I said meaning every word.


"Yes, really. You guys were awesome"


"So you guys gonna play another song?" I asked hopefully. "Yeah. It's called In Spite of All the Danger."

They started playing. I loved the song. Especially the guitar part. They all looked like they were all having fun because I know I was.

When the song ended Paul's father, Jim, came out. "Would anybody like something to drink?" he asked carrying a pitcher of lemonade and cups. "Yes please." I said as he poured me a cup. "Me two" said George.


George walked me home because I still didn't know the way. I linked my fingers with his and we walked home in silence. I was tired so laid my head on his shoulder.

We got my porch and we looked into each others eyes. His dreamy, adorable brown eyes. He leaned in for a kiss. I started to panic. I liked him but I didn't like him that much. I turned my head "Um... my mom is probably worried" I said letting go of his hand. "Oh, um, yeah. See you tomorrow" he said disappointed. I opened the door and walked in upset because I think I just made things awkward between us.

I know he really likes me and I like him. I'm not ready. I know one kiss isn't really a big deal but I'm just not ready . I go upstairs ashamed of myself and thinking of ways to make it up to him.


Yay New chapters up!!! I had like no time to write so I did it in bits. Happy Birthday Ringo. I know its late but whatever

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