~Chapter 30

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It has been a month or two since October. It was now November. In case you didn't figure that out already. I was wrong about Paul and I. We went out a couple of more times. Not a lot but we were definitely an item, although, he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet.

Today was the first day of November. I was coming home from work, like always and it got really cold. A gust of wind blew my hair back as I turned the corner.

As I opened the door to my house, I threw my bag on the floor and sat down on the couch to watch a bit of T.V.

An old rerun of an Elvis television appearance was on. I watched it for a while until I decided I wanted to go outside do something.

I left my mom a note, since she was out shopping for groceries. I walked to the park in a slightly heavier jacket than earlier.

The first thing I did was climb a tree. I leaned back on a branch and rested there for a while. " 'ey Julia," someone called. It was Paul.

I smiled. "Hey, Paulie."

He tried to climb up the trunk but failed horribly. "Ye know, this reminds me very much of the first time we hung out." It did actually.

"Well then this should refresh her memory," he smirked. He climbed up and pushed me off. I still fell off, even as I was clutching the branch.

I fell on my stomach. I got up and brushed the dirt off my pants. "Well then I'm sure ye remember this." I grabbed his feet and pulled him off. Like last time, he landed on top of me.

"I remember this part pretty well," he said.

"Oh, stop it you," I say, blushing.

"But, I think tha' we can change it up a bit, don't ye think?" He put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss.

We stayed like that for I don't know how long. He stopped and looked at me. He kissed my nose then helped me up. "Now I don't remember that happening at all," I said.

We sat under the tree and just talked. Not like a couple would talk about how cute her prom dress would look or how handsome he would look with a new haircut. We just talked about things best friends would talk about. Like old times.

After an hour or two said he had to go home. He asked if I wanted him to walk me home but I said no. I just wanted some alone time before I went home.

I sat back against the tree and watched the little children play on the swings until their mothers called them in for dinner. 

I placed my head on a comfortable spot on the trunk of the tree. I watched the swings sway back and forth as the kids ran from the park, leaving me alone with nothing but the wind and the playground.

I looked at the clouds as they changed shape and tried to think what each one looked like. I started to think what it would be like to be a cloud, floating around the sky with no cares and worry free. When you get heavy, just rain out your troubles. That would be nice. Thinking made me grow tired, so I closed my eyes for a bit.


It was almost dark. I had expected to only rest for a couple minutes, but instead, I was out for about an hour.

I got up and walked down the path towards the street. I saw my breath in the air when I breathed through my mouth.

"Julia," someone called. I turned around to see George. "I need to talk to you."

"All right what is it?," I said. I just wanted to go home and warm up.

"Look, I know this is really late but, I miss you. I need you. I know what I did was stupid, and I regret it doing it. It wasn't my fault. Ye need to let me explain. Just please," He stepped forwards and kissed me, but I didn't kiss back, "Take me back."

His eyes were pleading me to say yes. "I- I have to go," I stammered. I turned around and walked away.

"Wait," he called. I kept on walking. "I love you."

I stopped in my tracks. That last sentence caught me off guard. I continued walking. I didn't turn around. I didn't look back. I kept on walking.

My fingers fumbled for my house keys. It was hard to grab them with tears blurring my vision. Eventually, I did. I turned the lock and walked in, stumbling over the door frame.

I closed the door, leaning against it as I do. I trip over my shoelaces as I walk up to my room.

I lay on my bed facing up. The tears slowly coming down, but I didn't make any sound. "Julia, honey. Are you all right?" My mother asked through the door.

"I'm fine, Mom. I just want some alone time," I say without sounding like I was crying.

I heard her footsteps fade away as she walks farther and farther from my room.

As time passed, I realized I still had feelings for George. That I missed him too. The problem was that I really liked Paul too.

I just don't want to deal with a silly love triangle.


Really short chapter :/ Now I know I what you guys are thinking. You are probably asking yourself "Don't they do homework?" Well the answer is yes. They do indeed, but I think it would be very boring to write in the characters trying to solve x-13+4-1 [FYI I made the problem by myself]

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