~Chapter 44

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~*~ August 11

It was far past midnight and I couldn't help thinking about the boys leaving for Hamburg tomorrow. Today was my last full day with them. I even planned on spending some time with Pete and Stu if they were available.

I flipped over in my bed trying to get a good sleeping position. My bed was almost unbearable, tonight of all nights. I saw sitting on my desk was the teddy bear George got me on our first date.

The teddy bear sent me back on that September day. The memories made me want to have George with me right now. That was the same day, I believe, that George joined the Quarrymen. It was quite an exciting day from what I remember.

Before I knew it tears slipped out my eye. I wiped them off and told myself I was silly for crying. I would see them in a few months right?

I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep. The last thing I wanted was to sleep in tomorrow morning.


I was sitting in George's living room sipping my tea. We were both quiet and enjoying each other's company. "Well," George said as he stood up from the couch, "I've got to finish packing."

"You haven't finished?" I asked, standing up with him.

He shrugged. "I've started, I just haven't finished."

I laughed. "Trying to be cheeky, I see." I smiled. It was almost painful to smile knowing he'd be long gone soon. Far away from me. "C'mon, I'll help."

We went up stairs and into his room. There were clothes everywhere, and epicenter of the huge mess was a black suitcase with only a few items of clothing inside.

"Are all these clothes clean?"

"Yeah, I was just going through everything I had last minute."

"I can tell," I laughed.

He smiled a genuine smile that has always made my heart skip a beat. I had always thought that he saved that smile just for me, maybe.

"So how long are you guys going to be gone for?" I asked hoping for a short number.

He scratched the back of his head. "Er, about 9 months."

"What?! Why so long? I'm going to miss you guys, a lot." I felt my heart sink lower than it already was.

"I'm gonna – I mean, we're miss ye  a lot, too, Julia." He smiled at me again with that same genuine smile.

I embraced him in my arms. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine. I wished that I could just freeze time and stay in this moment.

He kissed my forehead and petted my hair. "What am I supposed to do when you're all gone?"

"I dunno to be honest, but I promise to try and write as often as we can. Maybe send a few pictures of us on out trip."

I looked up at him. "Really?"



Everyone was in the car. Paul, John, Stu, Pete, George, Kaithlyn, Veronica, Serena, Pete's current girlfriend who we've all just met, and I, were all in the car silently enjoying each other's company.

The taxi stopped at the station.  "Are ye sure ye don't want to drive to the port? I can pay for the extra miles," Veronica offered.

John shook his head. "No, it's fine. We've already got the arrangements figured out." Which obviously wasn't the case because John never planned anything out. He's always been a stubborn one.

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