~Chapter 16

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Today was Saturday. Finally I could catch up with all the homework I have and hang out with George or Kaithlyn.

I woke up a little earlier before noon which is nearly impossible for me on weekends. I went downstairs still in my pajamas because I was too lazy to change.

"Good morning sleepy head" my mother said as I came down stairs. She was reading the newspaper and eating breakfast.

"You're eating breakfast without me?" I whined.

"Well I wanted to have breakfast before noon" she told me.

"Fine I'll get my own breakfast" I said getting a bowl and spoon. I got the milk and then the cereal. I poured a lot of cereal into my bowl.

"Don't eat the whole box! I just bought that yesterday" I heard my mother say. I just rolled my eyes. I can eat however much I want.

I finished my breakfast and quickly got dressed. Nothing fancy like yesterday. Just a nice shirt and a skirt.

I decided to go to George's house to see if he wanted to hang out. "Mom since it's the weekend do you think I could stay out later tonight?" she looked up from the newspaper.

"How late?" she asked me.

"Maybe midnight" I said giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Alright just be careful out there at night. I don't want you to get hurt." she had a serious tone in her voice. I nodded and gave her a hug.

"I'm only going to be with my friends" I told her reassuringly. She nodded.

"Good I don't want you hanging around other boys" she told me.

My cheeks turned red. She doesn't know about the band or that George is my boyfriend. But they're my friends though too, right?

"I won't. I promise" I said putting my hand over my heart.

I left for the door and I heard her call "I love you." I shouted back "I love you too!"


Today was rather cold out. I forgot my jacket and I was shivering. I didn't go back for one because I thought I would warm up at George's house.

On my way there I bumped into someone. It was George. "We have got to stop meeting like this" I told him shivering.

"Yeah we do" he said. "Are you alright" he asked taking notice in my shivering.

"I'm fine. I just forgot my jacket" I said through gritted teeth. "Here take mine." He pulled off his jacket and handed it to me.

"No I couldn't. What about you? Wouldn't you get cold?" I asked.

"Nah. You're more important" he told me. I blushed. I kissed him on the cheek and he put his arm around me as I put on his coat.

"I was actually on my way to see you" I told him as we started walking to his house. "And I was going to see you" he laughed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. You know watch some movies, go shopping for shoes-" he cut me off.

"I'll do anything with ye just please don't make me shop for shoes" he begged me.

I laughed. "Fine" I stomped my foot. He laughed.

"What's so funny" I asked.

"You're too cute when you're mad" he kissed the top of my head. "I'm supposed to be angry not cute." I pouted. That just made him laugh more.

"Well back to the point. Do you want to see a movie do something together?" I zipped up his coat.

We walked into his house and he got us both some tea. I warmed up with his jacket still on and a hot cup of tea.

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