~Chapter 42

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"Hey, Julia, I finished the paper," said George, handing me the rove it.

I quickly scanned it. It was about two or more pages long, with both sides fully written on. "Oh my gosh, this must of taken hours!" I exclaimed.

"Four to be exact," he laughed.

"You didn't have to do that. You could've written it yourself and left me on my own," I said.

"Nah," he said, shaking his head. "We're friends, right? That's wha' we do."

I was impressed. I barely contributed and he isn't mad that I blew him off, or anything of the sort.

"Well, I could have helped, now that I don't have a job anymore," I told him.

"What do ye mean?" he asked giving me a puzzling look.

I told him all what had happened at the café and that I'd rather be fired than work for a stupid racist that treats people like complete and utter crap.

"Wow. I'd never have the nerve to do that," he praised. "Yer amazing, love."

I blushed slightly and looked down. It felt good to know that someone thought you're a good person.

"Thanks," I said smiling.

As soon as I was done speaking the bell rang. Students began to fill the classroom and chatter filled the air. The teacher came in saying, "Please put your papers on my desk in an orderly fashion."


It was just after my government class that Paul came up running next me.

" 'ey," he said awkwardly, a shy, small smile was on his face. It was clear that the events of last night were still on his mind.

"Hi," I replied smiling to try to get him out of his shell.

He cleared his throat. "The band 'as another gig tonight. I was wondering if ye would want to come?"

I smiled and nodded at his inquiry. "I'd love to. Is it at the Cavern?"

His smile got bigger. It suited him much better than a shy smile. "As always, love. I guess I'll see ye there then." He trailed off, joining his other friends; giving me a wink just before doing so.

I guess I have plans for tonight. Productive plans, too. I'm excited for tonight. I haven't talked to Veronica and Kaithlyn much lately, so it'd be good to see them and hang out like we used to.

Speak of the devil, I see the two of them walking together several feet away from me. I speed walk so I can catch up to them.

"Hey guys," I say.

"Julia!," said Veronica, "I heard about what happened last night with ye and Paul. He seemed a bit sad, but happy that ye guys made up."

"He told you guys?" I asked.

"Well, not directly. He told John, of course, and John then told me," Kaithlyn explained as Veronica shook her head in agreement.

"Oh," was all I said. "Anyways, are you guys going to the boy's gig tonight?"

They laughed as if it was a stupid question. "O' course we are. Stu and I don't feel awkward around each other any longer," Veronica said.

Just then, the bell rang. Students scurried off to their classes and the girls and I were shoved around a bit. "I guess I'll see you tonight then," I said to them right before walking away.


The boys were absolutely fantastic. They've gotten so much better, and I can't wait to the see how well they perform when they get back from Germany.

I was standing outside, taking a breather away from the crowds. The lads have certainly grown popular around Liverpool.

The door opened and I heard sobbing. I looked to see who it was and to my surprise, it was Kaithlyn. "Julia," she cried.

"Oh, Kaithlyn, what's the matter?" I asked.

She sniffed and wiped her eyes. "John," she said taking a breath, " he broke up with me. For some girl named Cynthia!"

I squeezed her hand and I took her in my embrace. She cried on my shoulder, even getting a bit of my dress wet. "I'm so sorry," I say.

"I was gonna tell him I loved him. I really do," she sobbed. I stroked her hair, telling her that everything was going to be all right. "I feel like I'm dying inside."

She continued to cry for a quite a long time. She was always so happy. It didn't look right to see her this way.

When she was done I offered to take her home, but she refused. She walked all the way home by herself.

I went back inside where there was still a load of people. I hung around Veronica, George, Paul, Pete, and some people I knew from school. Pete was trying to pick up some girls but failing miserably.

On about the fifth girl, I saw John heading towards the door. He was walking with a blond bird and they seemed to be enjoying each others company.

I realized that they were holding hands. 'That must be Cynthia,' I thought. She was pretty and John seemed to be all over her. I was a bit upset with how he just left Kaithlyn like that but I wasn't in a position to judge.

I thought John and Kaithlyn were actually going to last.


This was a filler chapter sorry but I they will get more interesting, I promise. I realize the story at this point is dragging on so the end is near. dun dun dun duun oooooo even if the ending is a bit unexpected will you still love me c:

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