Chapter 12

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It's already day 3 and still counting until tomorrow. I really want to see her again. I want to look deep in her eyes. I want to see her smile again.

I waited for her parents after they got their breakfast. I ate my breakfast after 2 days skipped it. I don't ate much lately. I've been so depressed since this tragedy.

If I know that guy, I will find him and kill him. I'm not kidding, I tried to ask my friends, but they don't even know him.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Cabello," I greeted as her parents came up to me,

"Good morning, Shawn. How's Camila?" Camila's mom said,

"Still no response about it, we just have to wait and wait," I said,

"Thank you for being there while we're gone," Camila's dad said as he tapped my shoulder,

"My pleasure," I smiled.

We all waited for another new response from Camila but we still got nothing. I stood up and saw Camila's face. She looked more peaceful and pale, of course.

I wonder what's in her sleep right now, is she sleeping or maybe dreaming. I'm afraid that she'll meet someone that will bring her away and never come back. That's already happened with Aaliyah and I'm scared about that.

As I walked back to my seat, I saw a guy that ran up closer to me. I looked closer, that must be Jack. Why is he here?

"You! That must be you! You caused this and now you have to pay this," he said as he punched my nose,

"Fuck," I said as I held my bleeding nose,

"You don't know what happened so just shut up!" I said as I punched him back,

"I did! I know she's not gonna be safe with you! I love this girl, why you hurt her? She said, you're her best friend but why did you do this to her?!" he said as he punched me again,

"Guys! Shut up! We're in hospital, okay? Can we just looked at Camila and think how peaceful she is without you guys? Jack, you don't know what actually happened with Camila," Camila's mom said as she desperated us from the fight,

"What is it?" Jack asked,

"Without Shawn, Camila might get hurt and losing her virginity for the rest of her life, he saved her," Camila's mom explained.

"We should wait until tomorrow and let's see the response from Camila," she continued,

"Jack, sit down here. I know you love our daughter so much, I know you needed her a lot, but please, can you just calm yourself about this? Please," Camila's dad begged,

"Yes, sir, I will," Jack said as he sighed.

I stepped to the restroom to clean the blood that bleeding from my nose. That guy is a fucking bitch. What the fuck is he doing with my nose.

"Hey, I'm sorry for hitting you on your nose, I was so out of my control," he said as I went back to my seat,

"It's okay," I said,

"I gotta go check Camila," I broke the silence from both of us,

"Okay," he said.

I stepped slowly to Camila's room. I held her hand tight again and waiting for the response.

"Camila, if someone asked you to go there with you, please just deny them and come back here with us. Your boyfriend is here waiting for you, please come back to your own real life," I said as I held my tears,

I suddenly felt that Camila's hand touch my hand slowly. I don't know what happened so I directly called the doctor to checked on her.

The doctor with his nurse came up to Camila and directly checked on her. I'm so nervous about it but I hope she'll wake up very soon.

"Congratulations, Camila is about to wake up, but because the hit from her head, it may be caused amnesia, but if it doesn't happened to her that means it's good," the doctor explained to us,

"Thank you so much, thank you," Camila's mom said and smiled to the doctor.

We all came to Camila's room and waited her to wake up. I can see her eyes trying to open slowly from her long sleep.

"Mom? Dad? Where am I?" she said slowly,

"Shhh, you're at hospital," Camila's dad said,

I'm so glad that she still remember her parents. It warmed my heart so much.

"You just woke up from your long sleep, how is it?" Camila's mom said as her happy tears streaming down her face,

"I don't know, I met a guy, he asked me to joined him but I denied it, I don't want to join him because I heard someone told me to don't join him," she explained.

I smiled. I'm very glad that she heard me.

"Camila, do you remember these guys?" Camila's dad asked,

"Uh......" she started to say.

Oh shit, she might not remember me or Jack. Oh my God, no I don't want this to happened. Please, don't forget me, Camila.

"I know, this is J-Jack, right? But, who are you?" she asked. Damn, I felt my heart stopped beating. I felt so weak, I can't feel my legs. I just wanted to faint.

"You don't remember him?" Camila's mom asked,

"No, I don't. Is he close to me?" she asked,

"Yes, very close, do you want to try to remember him?" Camila's mom asked,

"I can't think, Mom. My head hurts," she said,

I'm so mad this is happening to me. This is not fair, I was there for Camila before she got this accident but why is forgetting me?

"Okay, darling. You should take a rest, we will be here for you, don't worry," Camila's mom said as she comfort her,

I decided to stepped out from her room and waited on the chair. I can't believe this. She forgot me, forever. I should start everything again with her. I'm so mad.

"I'm so sorry for you, Shawn, he don't remember you," Jack tried to comfort me,

"Yeah, thanks, dude. I have to go," I said as Camila's parents came out for her room.

"Shawn, you better stay. She needs you, she really needs you even though she doesn't remember you, you should make her remember again," Camila's dad said,

"I will, but not right now. I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Cabello, I have to go, right now. Tell your daughter, I love her so much more than I love myself," I said and smiled.

I walked to the lift and went down to the first floor. I stepped out from the building and jumped in to my car.

Why is she doesn't remember me at all? Why? Why did you have to do this to me, Camila? Why? Did I do something terrible to you?

I cried. I never cried like this, I know this is so gross. I hate crying, but I can't handle it anymore. I might be losing my best friend and I really don't deserve this.

I don't deserve to lose someone that I really love, I really don't deserve this.

I started to turn the engine on and drove out from the hospital.

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