Chapter 19

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I'm now at the airport waiting for my plane to Miami. I called Camila many times but her phone is not active. I should really go meet her and explain everything.

My plane to Miami has finally come so I decided to give my ticket to the officer and walked to my plane.

In my plane, I kept thinking about Camila. I'm such an asshole for her, I'm not thinking how hurt she is gonna be when I got a girlfriend. And I don't even know that she'll be like this.

Hours later, I landed to Miami. I'm very excited to meet Camila soon. I decided to walk out from the building and find a taxi.

I can't wait to explain everything to her so she might don't misunderstood with me. I really miss the old Camila, I miss it. When we talked about funny things and doing some crazy things.

As I arrived at Camila's house, I grabbed my suitcase in the baggage. After that, I directly knock the door. I wish that Camila will open the door.

"Hi, Shawn, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Cabello greeted,

"I'm looking for Camila, is she here?" I asked, can't wait for the answer,

"I'm so sorry, kid. Camila just got the airport with her dad. She'll be in Mexico for two months," she said.

What the fucking fuck. I can't believe that she did this to me. I really don't know what to do right. My body is freezed.

"Shawn, you okay?" Mrs. Cabello asked,

"Oh, yeah, yeah," I said and smiled to her.

"Come in," she said.

I picked up my suitcase and walked in to the house. Shit, she gets really mad at me. I know, I'm wrong. I know I did something very wrong to her and I should really deserve this.

I will never meet her again.

"You want a tea or coffee?" Mrs. Cabello offered,

"Tea, please," I said as I smiled to her.

Shit. I kinda disappointed from this. I shouldn't tell her that I got a girlfriend but she might gets more mad at me if I didn't told her.

"Here," Mrs. Cabello said as she gave me cup of a tea,

"What happened with you and Camila?" Mrs. Cabello asked, "Maybe I can help," she continued.

"Nothing, I just wanted to visit her," I said as I took a sip of my tea,

"You sure? You look worried," she said,

"I'm one hundred percent sure," I said.

"So, Camila is not here, what you gonna do?" she asked,

"Um, maybe I'll get home tomorrow, I'll find tickets," I said.

I feel so embarrassed here. I know Camila's parents already close with me.

As I stood up from my chair, a girl walked in to the house without any permission. Guess who? It's Camila. It's fucking Camila, my best friend.

"Camila! Why are you here?" her mom asked,

"I left something in my room," I said without looking at me,

"Camila!" I said as she ran to the upstairs, I decided to run after her.

"Shawn, I can't," she said as she let my hand go from her arm,

"Please, I'll go to the airport with you," I said.

"No, no. Please don't," she said as she stopped myself. She started to cry, I can see that face.

"Please, Camila," I pleaded,

"No, Sh-" I cut her words and I kissed her. I kissed her again. I can finally feel her soft lips again. I kissed her like there's no tomorrow. I love her so much.

We pulled away and she looked deep to my eyes.

"Look, Camila, I love you so much. Please, don't go," I begged,

"I'm so sorry, Shawn. I really have to go," she said and ran away from me.

I ran after her as fast as I could. Camila got into the car as I ran after. But, suddenly, I felt something attacked me and all I can see is black.


Shit. I met Shawn again after a year. But, this is such a bad news. He got an accident. I canceled my flight to Mexico. My parents and I went to the hospital and make sure that Shawn is okay.

Please, God. I don't want him to forget myself like I did a year ago.

Everything in his body are bleeding. There's so many blood in his clothes, everywhere. I cried so much as I looked at him.

I love him so much and I don't want to lose him for the second time. I lose him because he got a girlfriend and now God wanted to take him.

As we arrived, we decided to bring Shawn to the emergency place and waited for hours until the doctor showed up to us and tell what happened with Shawn.

Hours later, the doctor who checked Shawn finally out from the room.

"Doc, how's Shawn?" I asked, worriedly.

"He's okay, but he lost so many bloods in his body. We need to do some blood transfusion to his body or he might die," the Doctor explained.

He might die.

No, please, don't Shawn.

"How many times until Shawn can survive from this coma?" I asked,

"We all have 48 hours until we find the blood to wake Shawn up from his coma," he said.

Shit. We only have 2 days or Shawn might die and I will never see him forever.

I hate myself. I should let him go with me to the airport but things will get messed. And now, this is messier than I've ever thought.

I looked at Shawn's face from the window and he looked very pale. I'm so stupid right now. I'm very stupid for myself.

I decided to approach the Doctor on his room. I asked to check my blood if I had the same blood type, I will volunteer to give my blood to him.

"Please, check my blood type," I said.

One hour later, I got my result. My parents didn't even know about this. I will never let my parents know about this.

"Congratulations, Camila," the doctor said,

"Thank you so much," I said and smiled to him.

"Oh, can you do me a favor? Please, don't write my name, just write Kate. Please, I don't want my parents to know about this," I explained,

"Okay, Camila," he said.

I took a deep breath and let it out. I'm so nervous about this. I can't believe I did this. I asked the doctor to write Kate's name there. I really don't want Shawn to be sad because he thinks that his girlfriend might be don't care about him.


sorry for the short camila's pov. i was really sleepy and can't think :((( but hope you enjoyed it!

don't forget to comment and vote as always 💖💖

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