Chapter 28

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Three years has gone. I still have no news from Camila. I always tried to contact her but she doesn't answer it. I still have no path where should I go without her.

I always came to Camila's house once a week to check her if she's already back from Mexico or not. I am so alone, I can't find my own self.

I looked at our old pictures from the first time we met and our last date. That was so beautiful and happy, and now I can't find that moment until now.

I went to the cafe to get some coffee. Well, I still work in that cafe where I worked but I have days off so that actually doesn't matter.

"Can I get an espresso?" I asked to Kevin, yeah he's my friend here,

"Sure, Mendes. Wait," he said.

I took a sit and wait for my espresso until Kevin called my name. I can't live like this anymore, I have no life. I have no Camila on my side. She's supposed to be my light.

"Shawn," Kevin called my name, I decided to take my espresso and sat back on my chair.

I was thinking alone, looked out the street until I heard someone's talking, and it sounds very familiar. I looked back and she looks very familiar to me.

"Camila, is that you?" I asked her,

"I'm Camila, but who are you? Do we know each other?" she said, what a fucking bad response.

"You don't remember me? I was your boyfriend," I said,

"Boyfriend? I don't remember you, or even I don't know you!" she said,

"Camila," I said as I held her hand and I looked into her eyes deeply.

"Sorry, I have no time for this," she said as she walked out from the cafe with her friends.

She doesn't remember me. It already happened to me. I don't want it to happened again for the second time. Fuck it. Fuck myself.

I got in to my car and followed her behind her car. Damn, I should know what happened with her and why she didn't remember me at all?

As I arrived at her house, I knocked her door directly after I jumped out from my car. But nobody answer it.

"Excuse me," I yelled from the outside, I don't care if people looking at me because of I'm acting weird,

"Hello, is anybody there?" I yelled again,

Finally, she opened the door. As she looked at me from my head to toe, she closed the door directly.

"Camila, open it, please! I want to talk with you!" I said as I hit the door,

Minutes later, the rain poured down the city. Fuck. I kept hitting the door but she still doesn't opened it yet.

"Camila, I know you remember me! Please open it!" I yelled in the rain to her window right in her room,

"Camila, please," I said as I started to cry, fuck, why am I crying? Because I love her so much, I don't want to lose her,

I sat right in-front of her door, waiting for her to open the door until I fell asleep.

"Shawn, wake up," Camila woke up me as I saw her face blurry,

"Shawn, you're cold," Camila helped me to get up and brought me to her house,

I laid myself on the sofa while waiting for Camila to make tea for me. Yeah, I felt sick too so I think I'm not feeling great right now.


I can't believe that I met Shawn for the first time after years. I almost forgot him in my life but then we met in the cafe. He's acting so crazy, he didn't leave my house.

I looked at him laying on the couch while I'm making a tea for him. I loved him, yes I loved him but not now.

"Here," I said as I gave him a cup of tea,

"Thank you," he said as he drank it,

Seconds later, he looked into my eyes deeply. I looked into his eyes, his beautiful hazel eyes which I always love it.

"I still love you, Mila," he said,

I looked away from his eyes and pretending that I didn't hear him at all.
"Camila, look at me," he said as he tapped my shoulder,

"I can't, Shawn. It's too much, my life has been so crazy," I said as I started to cry,

"Why? What happened?" he asked as he comfort myself,

"My parents were dead, they were died in a car accident, now I lived alone with Sofi and she's only 7! I can't believe my life is now a mess," I said as I cried,

"Hey, hey, don't cry, shh, it's okay," he said as he rubbed my back and kissed my head,

"Now, I can't lose you, after I lose my whole family," I said,

"Hey, listen. I'm here for you, don't worry, I'll make sure that I'll never leave you, okay?" he said as he lifted my head up,

"Good girl, now please, look at me," he said as he looked into my eyes,

"Do you love me?" he continued,

"I did, I loved you, Shawn. But, I can't do it anymore, I want us to be best friends like we used to in the past," I said,

"Okay, if you want it like that," he said.

With no excuse, Shawn suddenly cupped my cheeks and kissed me. I was in shocked, but kissed him back. I missed that lips so much, I miss that soft, red lips that he has. I missed him.

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