You say you'll see me this summer,
I say I can't wait,
Why does distance exist?
What i know is i love you with every single cell in my body,
This is how i imagine meeting you.
I'm in a hotel and you come inside nervous as all hell,
'cause i know it's our first time meeting and my dad can be intimidating
but i don't care,
What matters is we're in the same place, for once.
I want your embrace, to feel your arms secured around my body, to feel safe and at home,
You've never held me before but i imagine, it'll feel like home,
I'll feel safe in your arms,
This distance is a monster but,
We'll take it day by day,
Fighting till we see each other.
'Distance doesn't mean anything' people in love say,
I agree it doesn't,
No matter how far away you are,
You're always in my god damned heart,
Don't you ever forget it.
Naylene's Book Of Poems
PoetryI apologize if you can't see the full cover of it. This is where i'll be keeping my poems. I hope you enjoy it. [Naylene]