I Am Small

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I know that in this world i am small

and there are a million other people who have it worse or better than me

but if there is a god up there,

i have to wonder..

why would he separate two people who are in love?

who have each other's hearts?

i don't think i'll ever know the answer to that but i do know,

that me and him will meet,

whether it be this summer or next year,

we are different people who fell in love

two different hearts that are separated

but when we meet they will become whole again

in another reality,

i'm curled up by a fire in our home,

you're beside me and we're cuddling while the rain continues to pour outside,

we're lovers who were meant to be,

we have our own home

and we're happy

i know that i am small in this world

but my heart is big enough to be noticed,

we will be noticed,

and we will meet

and be happy with ourselves

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