Part 3

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Gosh... Why this van is still quiet? I'm started to boring. - -''

Suddenly Luhan approached me and sat next to me. "Yo. Min Rin."

"Lu-Luhan? I think you're sleeping."

"Hehe. No I'm not, I can't sleep. This van is so quiet right?"

"I see. Yeah, so quiet that makes me-"

"-so it makes you feel bored?" Wow. Just how did he know? Did he read my mind? Daebak.

"Uh huh. I just can hope we arrive fast." I nodded

"Hhhh. Same with me. I'm bored too. What song are you listening to now?" He moved his head nearer to see my handphone.

"Like Rain, Like Music. Do you know it?"

"Of course, I know it."

"How could you know it when you are Chinese? It's even not too popular here."

Luhan PoV

"How could you know it when you are Chinese? It's even not too popular here."

"Well, I just know it. I sang it when I'm at the audition." I move my head back.

"Really? You know it when it's your first time came to Korea? Can you sing it for me? Your voice is good" My voice is good? I never know that. She says that simply but it's enough to makes me blushing.

"Ah.. no.. I'm too embarrassed, I just can't." Gosh... so embarrasing...

"Please~?" Oh no... Why do she have to do aegyo? I'm weak if someone use aegyo to me. Why is she doing aegyo to me? Gosh... I can't reject her... she's too cute... Aishh what am I thinking about.

"Umm... okay. But don't laugh at me okay?" I starts singing.

Min Rin PoV

"Umm... okay. But don't laugh at me okay?" He starts singing.

His voice is so beautiful. Now this van's full of Luhan's beautiful's voice. Full of harmony and warmht.

Author PoV
Later they arrived at a rest area.

Chanyeol and Kai were scanning the goodstuff in the rest area. "When you come to rest area its-" Chanyeol interrupted by Kai. "It's massage chair~" They used the massage chair freely since it's free. Min just shook her head unbelievely.

Chen, Luhan and Xiumin were heading to the cafe inside the rest area.

Luhan PoV

"Please buy that for me" said Chen as he pointed at the food.

"I forgot to bring my wallet" I said

"So please buy me that~" Chen was doing aegyo

"Please buy for me" Xiumin said

"What?" Xiumin, why were you joining too?!

"Luhan hyung~" Chen whined at me. Aissh this kid.

"I don't have my wallet either" I said


"Don't lie." Xiumin said

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