Part 21

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I cried uncontrollably as I covered my face with my palms.

"He's in coma"

That word kept flying in my mind. Both relieved and sadness overcame me.

"Min...." Baek bit his lower lips.

"Baek.... Te-Tell me.... It's a dream right? I'm dreaming right now, right?!" I sobbed.

"He'll be alright Min..." Kris said but only makes me cried louder. His words tell me that's it not a dream. I know that... but I can't accept that...! We won't know wheter his health will become worse or better. We won't know how long he will wake up.

"I'm sure he'll be awake in no time... noona" Kai started to sobbed.

"Calm yourself down... He'll be alright." Lay said while he tried to held his tears back.

All of the members want to cry too actually. But they just hold it back and end up convinced me.

"It's not because of you Min... It's... our.... fault..." Suho said.

"A-Ani... He end up hurted because he... tried to protected me..."

"Stop blaming yourself Min..." Kyungsoo said sadly.

"I... want to meet him... Please... just... let me.... alone...." I wiped my tears off as they nodded slowly.

I walked to Luhan's room and opened the door. When I closed the door, I heard they starting to cry.

I saw Luhan lying on the bed helpless with so many wound in his body. Seeing that, my tears started to falling down again.

I walked to his direction and sat on the chair next to him.

"Hi.... oppa...." I started to sobbed.

"Oppa.... How's your doing?"

"Look at you.... You looks like a dull..." i forced a smile.

"How could you running like that and saved me?! Pabo...."

"We all hope that... you'll wake up someday and joked around and going on the stage again with us..." i held his hand and carresed it.

"Nado (Me too).... Oppa.... I miss your hug... I miss your smile... I miss everything about you.... Please wake up...."

"Oppa.... Bogoshippo.... and..... Saranghae" i whispered slowly. I looked down to his hand and crying.

Luhan PoV

"We all hope that... you'll wake up someday and joked around and going on the stage again with us..."

"Nado.... Oppa.... I miss your hug... I miss your smile... I miss everything about you.... Please wake up...." Me too.. Min.. I missed you too... I really want to hug you now. But how can I hug you when I can't even wake up at this state?

"Oppa.... Bogoshippo.... and..... Saranghae" she whispered slowly and then crying. No Min... don't cry.... I don't want to make you cry... I really want to wake and make you laugh. But.... how? Min... I love you too.... A tears started to falling down in his face but Min didn't realized it cause she keep crying and... crying...

Baekhyun PoV

"I... want to meet him... Please... just... let me.... alone...." Min wiped my tears off as we nodded slowly. When Min come in and closed the door, we started to crying.

"How could hyung be in this state?" Sehun sobbed.

"Hyung...." Chanyeol and Xiumin said.

"I.. don't know..." i said slowly.

"Will Luhan hyung really be okay?" Suho mumbled.

"I... hope so...." Lay said.

"Hyung...." Tao sobbed.

Suddenly there's a voice "Baek oppa!"
I looked around searching for the source with my teary eyes.

I saw Taeyeon running towards us. "What happened with Luhan oppa?!" she started to worried with seeing us crying.

"Is...." i nodded.

"Hyung.... he... is... in crisis now...." i sobbed and looked to other directions

"W-What?" she shocked with what i said.

She cover her lips and let out a gasp. I looked into her directions. I can see that her eyes are teary.

"What should I do?" i asked with teary eyes as she hugged me

"Gwenchana oppa..." i hugged her back then smiled.

"How about Min? Is she okay?"

"She was crying a lot. She kept blaming herself for this..."

"It must be hard for her..." she sobbed

"Luhan oppa is everything to her... It must be very hard..." she was crying. I caressed her hair lightly.

"But... what can we do about that? We can do nothing..."

"I-I know but.... I... w-want to help her... Her heart.... it must be broken into pieces now..." she was crying in my embrace. I can't help it seeing her crying like that... It hurts me... I can do nothing.... I can only make her calm... and prayed for the best for Min and Luhan hyung..

Min Rin PoV

"So many problem beetwen us... is it... because we aren't destined to be together?"

"Oppa... I don't know anymore what should I do...."

"It's... really hurts me.... seeing you like this.... Wake up oppa..." i wiped my tears off.

"I should go now oppa.... I'll see you tomorrow." I get up from my chair and kissed his forehead for a while and pulled back.

"Take care oppa..." i forced a smile then go out.

When I went out everyone look at me with concerned eyes including Taeyeon.

"Gwenchana (Are you okay?) Min??" Chen asked.

"I-I'm o-oka-" suddenly my body feels heavy and all I see is black. I can hear them shouted my name then all I can heard is nothing.

Min ended up pass out. What will happened to them? Wait for the next chapter guys! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for reading!!!

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