Part 8

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Here I am. Continued my job as manager. Yeah... our trip is already over... They never called me manager again and they treat me as their friend not a manager anymore. Since that trip, a lot of things has changed. Luhan be more closer to me, i don't know why. And whenever I saw him I felt something's in my heart that I don't understand. But I like this feeling, I don't hate it. Maybe I have fallen out with him?

Now, they're having a concert in Inchon right now, The EXOluXion. I'm waiting for them at the backstages right now. They always looks so charismatic and cool. Now they're singing Thunder right now. I really like this song. When they finished, I wipe their sweats and praise them, like always. "You did a good job all." I said

"Did we look cool?" Kris asked.

"Yah, why you ask me? Can't you see it from your fans reaction?" I chuckled.

"Well, we want to know it from our friend" Chanyeol grinned.

"How is it noona?! Is it good?" Sehun asked.

"Well... you all look good. Satisfied?"

"Satisfied. But it's not natural" Baekhyun pouted.

"Arggghh. Fine. You all looks so charismatic and cool that makes me fly."

"Awwhh... What an honest confession." Luhan teased as I feel my blood rushing into my cheeks.

"Awhhh.... our friend is so cute." Xiumin asked. Ahhhh... stop itt(///~///) it's so embarassing.... ><

"Your face is red like a tomato" Lay chuckled. Aishh... why won't they stop teasing me?!! ><


We back to our dorm with our van. Most of them are sleeping soundly right now. I sat next to Luhan at the back. Well I must be sitting at the front, but Suho sit there so I sat with Luhan. Luhan looks so tired, he slowly closed his eyes an sleep. Suddenly I feel something aggravate my shoulder. When I saw, it was Lu who sleeping soundly right now. Omo! What should I do? I want to wake him up but I've just can't do it. His face looks so cute right now....>< I traveled along his sleep face and keep staring at his face for a very long time. Oh my gosh... He's so adorable right now>< His innocent face looks like he was a 5 years old child. I don't know what happened with my heart, but it's beating so fast. When I realized what I'm doing I looked back at the window enjoying the night view.

The next day...
Luhan PoV

I wake up from my sleep and yawning as I stretched my arms into the air. I walked out from my room and go to the kitchen still with my sleepy face. I saw Min Rin is cooking breakfast for us. "Ah... Annyeong Min Rin..."

"Ah. Lu, you wake up early."

"Umm... yeah. Ah, I'm sorry for sleeping in your shoulder yesterday" I felt guilty. Well... I remember it. Since I did it on purpose.

"Y-Yeah... No problem. Wait... you did it on purpose?" She startled as she turned around to face me.

"Well.... yeah.... I felt so dizzy so I need something on. Mianhae."

"Well. I'm making a breakfast now. What do you want?"

"Why you change the subject?"

"I'm not changing the subject. It's just..." she whispered while gives a signal from her eyes to the left. I stared as I followed her signal. It's Baek, looking at us intensely. I have to changed the subject too. It's dangerous if they know it, they will tease us again.

"Well... I think I'll have hot cocoa and bread."

"Okay. I'll make it for you" she smiled.

Baek walking to us and smiled. "Morning Guys."

Baekhyun's PoV

"Well. I'm making a breakfast now. What do you want?"

"Why you change the subject?"

Subject? What subject?! I think they haven't seen me.

"Well... I think I'll have hot cocoa and bread."

"Okay. I'll make it for you" she smiled.

I walked towards them and smiled. "Morning guys!"

"Morning Baek... Did you have a nice sleep last night?"

"Umm.. yeah"

"What do you want for breakfast, Baek?"

"Umm... I want-"

"-Yah. Did you two ignore me just now?" Luhan hyung pouted.

We chuckled.

Min Rin PoV
At night...

*ring* *ring* I heard my phone is vibrating. Who is it? Who called me this late? I see my phone screen.

Bomi?! Aww... how I miss her! I never had a contact with her since our graduation. I picked up my phone cheerfully.

"Yeobeoseyo?! (Hello) Bomi!!"

"Yeobeoseyo Min Rin!! Aishh... I really miss you."

"Me too..." I smiled

"What is it? What do you want to talk with me?" I asked

"Why?! I can't call you to hear your voice?"

"Aisshh. I know you have something to talk with me. We're childhood friends, i know you better than someone else"

"Hehe... Well, tomorrow there's a festival at Pyongyang at 7PM. Want to join me?" she chuckled

"Pyongyang?! I think I can. I'll join you"

"Jeongmal?! Then, see you tomorrow! Ah. Can you bring EXO's member too?"


"Hehe.. You know, I'm their fans. Please?"

"Arraseo. I'll bring then tomorrow. Let's meet at the station at 6PM. Arraseo?"

"Arraseo! Thank you Min Rin. You are really my best childhood friends"

"Aissh... Arra, arra. Then see you tomorrow." I chuckeld.


I hang up the phone. I see my phone's screen once again and chuckled. "Aisshh.. This kid's never changes" I smiled.

Should I tell them now? I immediately shook my head. Ani... It's too late they need to rest. I'll tell them tomorrow.

I slipped in to the blanket and dozed off. Ahhh, I can't wait for tomorrow.

There it is^^.
Please comment and vote, it's meant for me :)
Thank you for reading guys ^^

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