Part 11

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I have a chilhood friend name Kim Taehyung. But we always call him V for short. I have crushed on him since middle school. I always tried to hide my feeling towards him when we're together. But at the middle of the middle school he studied abroad. I cried a lot that time when he was gone.

Several year ago... When I was strolling at the park...
"Min Rin!!"


"I miss you so..... much!!!" he said as he hugged me as I hugged him back.

"Awwhh!!! Me too V!!! Bogoshippo!!!"

"How's your school at Japan?"

"It's great!! I even got a lot of friends!"

"Wahh.. Really?! Happy for you then!!"

"Uhhh... But it's not fun since there was no you." he pouted cutely. Omo!!~ So cute!!


"There was no one to hugged" he pouted.

"Yah! I'm not your bolster!" I pretend to be angry and hit his head lightly.

"Don't mad please?~" he does aegyo to me.

I scoffed as I tried hard not to fall for his aegyo.

"Mian Min... " he pouted.

"Pfft... Hahaha!! You fell on my trick!!!~" I burted out a laugh.

"Uhhhh." He pouted peevishly.

"That's what you got from what you said earlier!!" I pointed out ny tounge and run away.

"I'll assure that you can't run away from me!!" He chased me but didn't get me. I keep running until he catch me.

"*hosh* *hosh* *hosh* Gosh... it's so hard to catch you!" he said as I pointed out my tounge again and laughed.

A few days later...

"Min Rin!! I want to introduce you to someone!!" I saw a girl next to her.

"Who is it?" I smiled.

"Let me introduce you! She's Pauline."

"Nice to meet you" i smiled as I shook hands with her.

"Nice to meet you too" she smiled

"She is my girlfriend. I met her when I was at Japan!" he whispered to me.

"She's pretty right!" He continued as Pauline blushed.

"Why do you tell me? About your private life..." i said with hurted feeling.

"Of course because you are my childhood friend!!" All my smiles has lost it's bright and all butterflies inside me has died. Only.... a childhood friend..... All the kindness.... it's because I'm no more than a childhood friend... I'm in an unrequited love... After that I cried all day. I'm glad I have Taeyeon to rely on... She know my feeling and about V's girlfriend.... She hugged me until I stopped crying and thinking about her. She said, "It's okay if you want go cry for him... only today... I'll hug you until you stopped thinking about him"

*end of flashback*

I didn't want to open my heart anymore. But Luhan... opens my heart... I'm scared it'll we like before... I don't want to experince that again...

Luhan PoV'

"Hey, let's go to the field! There will be a fireworks later!" Chanyeol said.

We nodded then gathered around the field. Then I noticed Min wasn't here.

"Guys. Did you see Min Rin anywhere? I didn't see her."

"I don't." Sehun shook her head.

"What?! Did she get lost?" Suho panicked as I nodded.

"I think she got lost in that crowded before..." Taeyeon said.

"I'll search for her! You guys wait here and just go home if the fireworks has finished!" I said as I left.

"You better bring her safe!!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

Min Rin PoV'

Oh no.... Where am I?! Where are the others?!!! Why am I alone in this unknown place?!!! What I only see is a wall and wall. This street is very narrow. Please someone saved me! I'm scared....

Luhan PoV'

I searched for her anywhere but hasn't found her yet. Min Rin where are you?! Please nothing happened to her... Min Rin... please be saved...

Min Rin PoV'
Suddenly there are a lot of boys surround me and their face looks so scary... I think they're a gangster. No!! I'm scared

"Hey girl!!~" one of those guys flirt me as he stepped near me.

I feel my body trembled so bad. "W-Who are you?!!"

"Sssttt. It's bad for a girl to shouted"

"Play with us please~"

"No!!" I shouted as I feel a hand grab my wrist tight and pinned it into the wall

"Didn't I tell you not too shouted!!!" He shouted at me then caressed my cheek slowly as I shut my eyes hardly. Please.... this can't be!!

"Hei guys! Help me locked this girl up! I'm gonna played with her" Oh no... I think he's the boss. I tried to lossen his grip but it's a waste. The other guys approach me and locked me.

The boss touched my tight and traveled his hand around as he tried to open my kimono. I shut my eyes tight waited for the worst.

Someone!!! Help me!!! Then I heard a crash sound and the grip around me lost. What happened?! I'm still shut my eyes.. then I heard a sound. "Min Rin!!!" I slowly opened my eyes then I saw Luhan infront of me. All the guys before have ran away. Thank God... he saved me...

He grabbed my shoulder "Are you okay?!!" I could see concern and mad in his eyes. I nodded.

Luhan PoV

I saw a guys touched Min's tight and traveled his hand around as he tried to open her kimono. I feel my blood boilling right now. I run to them and punched them one by one. I fight with them and then they ran away.

"Min Rin!!!" I approach Min Rin. She slowly opened my eyes. I can see an afraid in her eyes.

I grabbed her shoulder "Are you okay?!!" she nodded. I'm glad that she's okay. Those guys!!! I won't ever forgive them!

Min Rin PoV'

"Thank God. I made it just in time." he pulled me into his embrace.

I hugged him back. I can't hold back my tears anymore and cried in his shoulder.

"Sssshhh... I'm here for you" he patted my back as his other hand caressed my hair softly.

"Lu.... Thank.... you...." i sobbed and cried again.

"Mianhae Min Rin..... I shouldn't have left you..." No... it's not your fault Luhan. I want to said it but nothing coming out from my lips.

"Just cry Min.... It's okay...." he said as he keep patted my back until I'm calmed. How could he makes me calm with just a word and a touched?

Suddenly he released his hugged and squated. "Come here. I'll piggy back you" Luhan said. I followed his order as I climb his back.

"The others have already gone home. So we have to walked to the station." he said as I nodded. Then silent followed.


Well how is it guys? Even though I'm the author but I'm shivered too while writing this :p. Hehehe. Please votes and comments, it's really mean for me. Thank you for reading :) Hope you enjoy it. XD

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