Part 15

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I was walking to the dorm as I holding hand with Lu.

"You know... I don't understand why you like a girl like me...."

"What do you mean 'a girl like me'?"

"Well... you know I'm only a manager of you. I'm not pretty. I'm not an idol like you. I'm clumsy, a stupid, i don't even have any appeal, yet you still like me..." he pecked my lips as the answer as I'm blushing.

"Look... you are pretty in my eyes no matter what." he cupped my face as I'm blushing.

"I just like you the way you are."
he smiled sweetly to me and I like it. His smile can makes me melt at once.

"Is that so?" I tried to mocked him.

"Yah... you don't believe me?!" he frowned.

"umm..... no!" suddenly he pecked my lips as I'm blushing with his sudden act.

"Say that again then I'm gonna kiss you again."

"I will." i teased him as he chuckled.

We walking to the dorm and when we reached the dorm we released our hands.

Luhan walked to the doors but I keep remaining in my place. When he realized it, he turned his head to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Why our time together was so fast?"
i pouted.

"Should I sleep with you?" He wriggled his eyebrow.

"Yah. Byuntae" i hit his chest lightly as he chuckled.

Luhan PoV

I opened the door and
send her to her room.

"Good night~" i said.

"Good night oppa" she entered her room and closed the door after that I walked to my room.

I lying down on my bed. "Ah."

"I still want be with her..." i pouted.

Min Rin PoV

I walked to my bed and sleep in my bed comfortably. My smiled never fade before I dozed off.

I felt that my sleep become so unconfortable. Did I fall from the bed or what? Something's really warm near me.

I opened my eyes and see someone's chest infront of me. I looked up and saw Luhan. A smiled formed on my lips seeing Luhan's sleep while hugging me like a bolster.

W-Wait... Luhan??!! I looked at Lu in horror. I-I'm not dreaming right? How could Luhan be here? I blinked my eyes hundred times and looked at Luhan again. It's a dream, right?

I saw him starts to woke up. He stared at me for a while then greet me. "Good morning Min" I'm really not dreaming?!

"G-Good morning. .............. yah! How could you sleep in here?!" I punched his chest lightly.

"Ah-ah... The members may hear it if you shouted." he put his index-finger in my lips.

"I just..... really want to see you Min..."

"But why you end up sleeping here?"

"Last night... I kept looking into your face and enjoyed every inch of your face and I end up sleeping...." he grinned as I blushed. He kept looking at me the whole night until he fell asleep?! ><

"F-For now just go back to your room... Or else the other will see it." I pushed his chest lightly.

"Arraseo" he get up from my bed and walked out after he said 'annyeong chagi' to me.

I let out a breath. It's great since there's no one who wake up. Suddenly someone called my phoned.


"Min Rin!"


"How's my daughter doing?"

"I'm okay mum..." i smiled.

"There's someone who searched for you. I told him the EXO's dorm address, I told him you'll be there."

"A man? Who is it"

"A secret but he's an idol so don't worry."

"Arraseo eomma I'm going to take a bath."

"Annyeong my pretty daughter~"

"Annyeong eomma~" I end up the call and took a bath. An idol want to see me? I wonder who is it.

When it's over I heard a bell. Ah. It must be the man that mom told me.

I opened the door and looked at the man in surprised. He grinned at me.

It's V.

He looks so different from when I last saw him but I know it's him.

"V-V?" My heart beating so fast. Weird... why? After a long time i didn't see him... why?

"Min!!! Bogoshippo!!" suddenly he hugged me tightly.

I pulled back from his hugged. "Why are you here?" I said as I led him to the living room and sait next to him.

"I didn't get any warm greet..." he pouted.

"You are Exo's manager huh?" I nodded

"It's so cool!"

"How about you V?"

"You don't know?"

"I don't"

"How could you? I'm a member of BTS right now!! Cool right?!"

"BTS? Uh... so that's why I feel like I see a familiar face when I saw BTS... So that's why you wore a mask?" he nodded

"But it's not cool when you worked in SM Entertainment while I worked as an idol in Big Hit Entertainment" he pouted.

"Well." I let out a chuckled. He never changed. Still like a little kid.

"Min! Watch our performances will ya?"

"When is it?"

"Ummm this Saturday. Ah... we'll have a duel with EXO though... so you must come" Ah... that duel...

"It feels so nostalgic seeing you being an idol and I'm manager now" i chuckled.

"In the past, didn't your dream is to be an idol?"

"Yeah. And I did it!!" he grinned as I laughed. We talked about our past the whole chat.

Author PoV'

Min Rin and V keep talking, feeling comfortable with each other without knowing there's a pair of eyes watching them comfortable with each other in jealously while thinking 'Who is he? Why Min looks so comfortable with him? Why she keeps laughing with him? Actually... who is he?'


I think you have already known who is it.... ^^ I update a new one!!

Hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment! And thanks for reading!!♡♡♡♡ Love you guys~~ See you at the next part!

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