Part 23

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"Oppa. It's me Min."

"Oppa.... if.... you won't ever wake up again then.... I think it's really my fault.... Sorry for putting you into this state.... I'm sorry.... It's all my fault."

"So that you won't suffer again.... I will just dissapear. I will dissapear from your life."

"You won't ever see me again. So.... this is a goodbye oppa..... A real goodbye...."

I put his bang aside and kissed his forehead lightly. A tears coming out from my eyes. I looked into his face for the last time. 



In EXO's dorm

"Guys.... I think.... I will quit being your manager..." All the members look shocked by what I just said.

"W-What did you say?!" Tao asked.

"I will quit being your manager." 

"W-Why? Why would you quit?!" Chanyeol asked.

"........" I keep quiet while staring at the ground.

"WHY?!" Suho put his hand in my shoulder and shook my body.

"I'm....only a burden for you all..... And I don't want to."

"You are not a burden at all!" Chen said.

"I am.... You've just nearly lost your friends. right?"

"And it was all because of me! Because he want to save me! I don't want that to happen anymore! Seeing the one I love in coma state is enough for me...." My heart stinged. 

"No, it's not your fault, Min. You know that. Luhan hyung save you with his own intention, his own wish. Why would you put blame on yourself?" Sehun asked.

"I know it! I know.... he save me with his own intention. But I can't accept it! I've just hurt his feeling..... Yet he save me. I said something I couldn't take back anymore! How could I not put a blame on myself?!" I said as I immeadiately went out from the dorm.  

The members tried to stop me but they didn't make it. With that, I went to hospital.


Luhan's PoV

"Oppa.... if.... you won't ever wake up again then.... I think it's really my fault.... Sorry for putting you into this state.... I'm sorry.... It's all my fault." Min? 

"So that you won't suffer again.... I will just dissapear. I will dissapear from your life."

"You won't ever see me again. So.... this is a goodbye oppa..... A real goodbye...."

!! What do you mean, Min?! It's not your fault at all....

I felt a kiss on my forehead and tears. Wake up Lu, You should! Stop her!

"Goodbye. Oppa" I forced myself to wake. And in the midle of my unconcious I held her hand.


Min Rin's Pov

I felt a hand held mine. I startled when I look who it was. It was Luhan's!


"M-Min..... don't go..." 

"Y-You awake?!" 

Luhan slowly opened his eyes and looked into my eyes.  I hugged him tightly.

"Oppa..... " I cried. He hugged me back.

"Min.... I'm back. So don't go okay?"

"No oppa..... If I... If I still by your side.... Maybe... you will got another accident again and again. I don't want that!" i broke the hug and look at him with teary eyes.

"Min." Luhan held my hands.

"I'm okay. Okay? Don't go.... I need you, Min... I can't even live without you. Don't go."

"Oppa... but...."

"Min. No matter what will happen in the future. As long as we're together we can do it. No matter what obstacle we will get in the future. We will pass through it together. Even though I have to get another accident only to be with you. I'll be okay. I'm awake now because you Min." he smiled.

"E-even though... I will be just a burden?"

"Min.... You never be a burden from the first. I love you and that's what matter."

"Oppa..... but I don't want accident before happen to you again! Only seeing in coma state hurt me..."

"Min..... do you think by you leaving me will solve the matter?" I looked at him.

"I promise you it won't happen anymore. If you feel guilty. Then stay by my side forever." I stared at him. After a full thought I nodded.

"I will. I will protect you."

"Ba...ka...( stupid) I am the one who should protect you." he smiled.


Well. How is it? Please leave a vote and a comment. It's really meant for me.

Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! The next part will be the last one. So... make sure you read it okay!!!^^. Then see you!

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