Part 9

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The next day...

I woke up from my bed and yawned as I stretched my arms into the air. Ah, I have to tell them now. I had a shower, dressed up and got out from my room.

I saw Kyungsoo was cooking breakfast now. I waited patiently in my chair. The other had just joined me for breakfast.

"Morning Noona~" they greeted me as I smiled - their eyes looks dull kkk. After Kyungsoo come, I started to opened chat.

"Ah. By the way, my friends told me about a festival in Pyongyang at 7PM and we'll meet her at 6PM. Will you join us?"

"Pyongyang?" Suho asked as I nodded.

"We'll join in. But I think we should disguised ourself." Luhan said as the others nodded.

"Jeongmal?" They nodded.

A smiled appeared on my faces. "For the disguises, I'll do it, just hand it over to me."

"Noona, is your friend pretty?" Kai asked and got a hit from Suho on head.

"Aww... Hyung... It's hurt....." Kai whined as he rubbed his head and stared him. Suho stared back at him intensely.

"Yes she is Kai." I smiled.

"I can't wait for it!" Kai shouted happily as I chuckled - He looks like a little kid.

"Aissh this kid..." Suho rolled his eyes.

"Then since it was a festival should we use yukata?" Sehun asked.

I shook my head. "You can use yukata but I'm not going to use kimono, it won't fit me"

"Who is the one that says it doesn't fit you?" Luhan asked.

"Well... I don't like to wear it." Suddenly smirked appeared on their face but I just give them my confused face. Why do they smirk? It's suspicious...

Luhan PoV'

Min Rin shook her head. "You can use yukata but I'm not going to use kimono, it won't fit me"

"Who is the one that says it doesn't fit you?" I asked.

"Well... I don't like to wear it." A smirked appeared on our face. We give a sign to each other-It's looks like we have the same thought. Prepare for our plans Min Rin.


Min Rin PoV'
At 4.38 PM..

I prepared my white t-shirt and my jeans for the festival then took a bath. After that I covered myself with my towel and walked to where I placed my clothes. Weird - it's not here!! I searched to all place but found nothing. Where the heck is my clothes? Did a ghost take it oh no...>< I'm scared.

Suddenly I heard someone knocked the door. Omo!! Eottokhe?! I still didn't wear anything-only towel!!! "Annyeonghaseyo. Min Rin, it's me, Seolhyun. There's Hyebin, Irene and Jjeolbae too. We're The Star."

I opened the door slowly and small enough for my body didn't show as I hold my towel tightly. "S-Seolhyun? Why are you all in here?!"

"We'll tell you later. Let us in please?" Irene said.

I let them in one by one and immediately locked the door.

"Guys, helps me..." I sobbed.

"Hey, what's wrong Min Rin?" Hyebin asked.

"My clothes has lost!!!" I said as they giggled.

"We are so sorry. We got a job to did that..." Jjeolbae said.

"What do you mean?" I bulged my eyes.

"Umm... Well, the EXO's members told us to forced you use your kimono." Jjeolbae said.

"What? My kimono? I never had one."

"We have already prepared your kimono" Hyebin said as she showed me a purple kimono that full of flower pattern. I'm amazed, it's so beautiful.

"It's won't looks good on me." I said.

"Don't say that Min Rin. You'll never know if you never tried." Seolhyun said.

"Wear it, please? We'll help you wear it."

"Ummm... okay" I said as they smiled and helped me to wear it.

After a minute I finished. The girls look at me amazely. "Wow! Min Rin!! You looks pretty!" They said as I blushed.

"I-It's not...."

"Just go out and show it to them. I'm sure they'll be amazed by it. Trust me" Irene said.

I followed Irene's suggest and went out from my room. I saw them have already worn their yukata. They looks hot omo....

"Hi guys." I said.

"Oh. Hi Min........Rin......" they said as they looked back at me slowly.

They looks surprised? "Ummm... guys?"

"Wow Min Rin!! You looks pretty" They said as I blushed.

"Ahh... let's just go to the station now.. we're going late" i said as I'm still blushing and started to walked out.

Luhan approached and same his feet with mine "Min Rin, you really hipnotist us you know" he chuckled. Aisshh... he makes me more red.... (/////-/////)

From far I heard the EXO thank my friends for the help then bowed when my friends go to their own home.

"Good luck Min Rin" Hyebin said as she tapped my shoulder and winked then go along with the other girls. Aishh... what luck?!


How the festival will be? Please wait for it ><. Please comment and vote. And thank you for reading guys :) Hope you enjoyed it. :p

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