Part 20

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When I finally stopped crying, Baekhyun asked what happen to me.

"Hey.... Min. What have just happened to you? Why are you crying?"

"I've just broken up with Luhan, Baek."

"What!?? Is he the one who told you to break up?"

"No. I'm the one who said it."

"Then... why are you crying?" I told Baekhyun the whole story until as I cried.

"So.... that what's happened...." I nodded.

"So, will you stop be EXO's manager?"

"I guess I have to... He don't want to see me anymore after all." I cast my eyes down.

"You shouldn't stop being our manager. You can just.... have a vacation for a while." he smiled at me.

"But... I don't think SME will let me take any vacation.... You guys will be busy after all... So.... I... will stop being your manager after all...." My voice tremble a bit.

Baekhyun's PoV


"Guess that I have to say goodbye to them tomorrow...."

"We can still meet right?" She nodded.

Even though we can still meet.... I don't want to have other manager than Min.... She's already like a family.... I must do something.


Min Rin's POV

I walked to home tonight. I looked down, trying to hide my sullen face. I was crossing the zebra cross when someone called me.


Eh? Luhan oppa? Why? I looked next to me and saw a big truck in front of me, ready to crash me. I felt someone pushed me then I fell.

Just then, I saw Luhan got crashed by that truck. He bounced far. Red, fresh blood got out from her head.

NO! LUHAN OPPA! I ran to him quickly and held him.

"Oppa! Open your eyes!! LUHAN!!!"


I quickly help him with the others carry him to the ER. And stopped in front of the door. I sat on the waiting room. I quickly called EXO and his mother. The first one to come is Baekhyun.

"Min! What happened?!"

"When I was about crashed by a truck.... Luhan saved me...." I said with a teary eyes.

"Because of me..... He....."

"Min..... Don't say that it is your fault. It's seems like the person in the truck can't push the break. It's out of control."

"Baek.... What happened? I think I have broken up with him. Why would he come to me?"

"Min.... Actually...."


Baekhyun's PoV

I don't know why but my hand automatically pressed Luhan's number after Min'd left.



"Why do you have to say that cruel things to Min?"

"Baek?! Did you meet her?!"

"Why do you ask?"

"I.... realized that Min was lying. She kept averting her gaze from me. Actually I wanted to ask her why she was lying. But.... When I heard the last sentence of her.... I was taken by anger and ended up saying that to her..... It's my fault.... Now I am searching for her. Did she cry?"

"Yes.... She did...." I told him the whole story.

"And... She has left. I met her in the park before near your apartment."

"Thank you Baek!"

*end of flashback*

Min's PoV

"He..... realized?" he nodded. I can't believe what I have just heard.

"That's why..... But.... because of that.... he....." The tears finally came out from my eyes.


"Min!" The EXO's member finally came along with Luhan's mother.

"What happened?!" I told them the whole story.

When I was expecting Lu's mom would put blame on me.... Someone embraced me.

"It must be hard for you Min.... I'm sorry it's because I told you to break up with him. You must see him crashed by the truck." Lu's mom said while crying.

"You.... don't mad at me?"

"How can I mad at you? It was my fault at first. And it's his own will to save you. How can I put blame on you? You are not at fault." She put her hands in my cheeks, broke the hug.

"Eo..... Eomeonim..... Thank you....." The tears kept coming out.

After long wait, the doctor finally came out. We stood up rushly.

"How is he doc?!"

"The operation has gone well"

"But now..." there's a hint of pause in the doctor's sentence making us nervous.

Just then, the next sentence struck us hardly.

"He is in coma."


Wow.... The surgery went well but coma?

Well, hope you enjoy it! And have a nice day. I'm sorry if there are some wrong grammar.

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