Part 12

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Taeyeon PoV'

"Let's going now. The fireworks has finished." Suho shouted.

"Yeah. It's already late. I hope Min will be fine..." Lay said.

"He better bring her back safely" Kai said.

"Taeyeon?" Baekhyun said.


"We'll take you home." he said.

"Umm... Can I joined you guys to your dorm? I'm afraid something's happened to Min... I worried about her"

"Well. You can. Min's friends is our friends too" Chanyeol said as I cheered.

"But... don't tell anyone about our dorm, please?" Xiumin said as I nodded. They smiled in approved and we go back to EXO's dorm.

At dorm...

I look at their dorm amazingly. Wow... So this is EXO's dorm? Its's so huge. We go in to the dorm then the EXO release their disguise.

"Taeyeon, just think that it's your home. Please be free." Suho said as I nodded awkwardly. I sat in the living room.

"Arrgghh. I'm curious about Min..." Kris said.

"Me too..." Lay said.

I'm afraid about her too. I'm afraid if something happened to her. Hope she'll be safe. Suddenly someome patted my back and sit beside me. I looked back and saw Baekhyun.

"Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be safe with hyung." Baekhyun looked back at me and smiled.

"I hope so" I looked back to the front and blushed. I heard him chuckled.

"Why are you blushing?" he said as I denied it shyly.

Min Rin PoV'

Now we are at the train. I looked back on what happened earlier. I'm not think about that gangster anymore but Lu... He help me again... I looked at him sleeping soundly as he crossed his arm. He... save me... I put him into a danger... I'm glad that he's okay fighting those all guy. Thank you... Lu...

Luhan PoV'

We walked to the dorm from the station. I hold her arm so that she won't get lost anymore. We walked in silent. Should I tell her now?

"Umm... Min..." I broke the silent.

"Hmm?" She looked back at me.

"I... want to tell you... something..." i looked back at her

"What is it?"

"I..." Ah.... come on....

"Ah. Look! It's fireworks! I think it's already over... Woah..." she looked up to the sky.

"Wahh... so beautiful..." she said as she keeps looked at the fireworks.

I looked at the fireworks too. "Min... Saranghae.... Min Rin." that word comes out from my lips softly.

Min Rin PoV

"Min... Saranghae.... Min Rin." I heard him said. What?! He loves me?! It's not at dream right?!

"W-What?!" I gulped as I looked at him nervously with my red face.

"I love you.... Would you be my girlfriend?" He looked at my eyes softly. I looked at his darb orb eyes. His sparkly eyes feels like it's absorb me in.

"You don't have to answer it now. I'll give you time. I know it's not a good time... right after you were surrounded by those gangstet before..." He smiled at me.

No Lu... I love you too.. But I'm not sure to say yes or no. I just nodded to him and continue to walked to our dorm in silent. I know the answer is but... I'm not sure with my own heart.

Baekhyun PoV

I'm worried about Min. Is she going to be okay? All of the EXO wait infront of the house worriedly while I accompanied Taeyeon at the living room, It's already late and they haven't come yet. I think I have to take Taeyeon home, since it's already late.

"Ummm Taeyeon?" I saw her starred blankly at the tv. I can see there's full of worries in her eyes.

"Taeyeon?" I swayed my hands infront of her.


"Uh what?" she looked back at me blankly.

"It's already late. I think you should go home now"

"But... Min Rin..."

"Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be safe. I'll call you if she has come." I gave her my number.

"Promise?" She looked at me pleadingly.

"Promise. Now you should go home, I'll take you home." I smiled

"Thank you oppa..."

"I'll wear my hat first. For disguise." she nodded as I wear it and take her out

"Where are you going to?" Suho asked.

"I'm going to take her home hyung" he nodded then I take her home.

Taeyeon PoV

Baekhyun drive me to my home then bid a goodbye and I replied it back. I walked to my room and lying on my bed. Min.... hope you safe...

*ring* *ring* I looked into my phone hope it was Min but it just someone I don't know.

"Hello?" I hang up the phoned.

"Ah. Hello? Taeyeon?" Huh? How could he knows my name?! Who is this? It's seems familiar.

"Umm... Who is this?"

"It's me Baekhyun."

"Sorry I forgot about you... How's Min?"

"Don't worry. She has just come safely!! But she looks so pale... When I asked her what happened, she said nothing happened."

"I wonder what had just happened.. Thank you Baek oppa" I smiled.

"Yeah. Your welcome!! Then bye~"

"Annyeong oppa~" I cut off the phoned.

I'm worried about her...

Well. How is it guys? Hope you like it. Sorry for the wrong grammars. I update it into new one! Hope you like it! Please vote and comment. Thanks for reading!! XD

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