Part 22

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"I am sorry. We've done all we could. But now he's gone." said the doctor.

"He..... is gone???"

"Yes." The words struck me and made my world shattered into pieces.

"No.... Luhan.... NO!!!!!"

"Luhan!!!" I screamed. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar celling.

"Min? What happened?!" I saw Lay sitting beside me with a shocked expression.

"Wh-Where am I?"

"We are in the dorm."

"H-How about Luhan?!"

"Is he.... still in coma?" he nodded.

"What about the others? What are they doing? And what am I doing here?!"

"Calm down first. Breathe it in. Let me explain."

"You collapsed yesterday. So we brought you here. The others are waiting for Luhan hyung to wake up. And I am waiting for you to conscious." I nodded.

"Lay. Please take me to Luhan. I want to see him." I begged him.

"No, Min. You have just conscious! Your body is still weak!" said Lay.

"Please Lay.... I beg you...." A tear flowing from my eyes.

"You can. But promise me you won't force yourself." I nodded.


"Luhan!" As soon as I arrived, I searched for Luhan's room. And then I got in.

There are EXO's member waiting beside Luhan's laying body.

"Min! So you are conscious!" They look glad.

"But you should rest more. Your body is still weak." said Kyungsoo.

"Don't worry. I've promised Lay that I won't force myself." I smiled at them. They finally nodded.

"How about..... Luhan? He is not getting worse right?"

No one answers. Somehow they look sad.

"Min.... the doctor said there's a possibility that he won't ever wake up..." said Suho.

"What.... do you mean... At what percentage?!"

"Noona..... it's....." Sehun looks hesitate.

"Just tell me at what percentage?"

"Umm.... the doctor said... it's at 90%" I shocked. 90%? Why? Will he really won't wake up anymore?! No.... No! Min! There is still 10% possibility that he will wake up! Be positive!! He will wake up!!

"There.... is still 10% possibility that he will wake up right? So.... I won't give up! Ever! I will wait for him, no matter how long it takes!" 

"Min....." their eyes are teary and look at me with sad eyes.


Luhan PoV'

"Umm.... the doctor said... it's at 90%" said Kai.

"There.... is still 10% possibility that he will wake up right? So.... I won't give up! Ever! I will wait for him, no matter how long it takes!" 

Min..... thank you for your faith in me..... I will  try to wake up. no matter how much it takes!

But..... if I really won't get up.... Please..... don't be sad..... Live a happy life, Min..... Don't make your life a mess for someone like me...

Then. A tear coming out from my eyes.


Min Rin's PoV

I don't know why but.... I've just seen Luhan's crying. I mean.... a tear flowing out from his eyes.... Did he... hear it? If he can..... there's really a possibility that he will wake up!! Please oppa..... Wake up......


Hello guys! Finally, I can update this. I'm sorry if there's wrong grammar and if the story too short or weird. But.... spoiler for next part -> Luhan will wake up!! So wait for the next part okay?!

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment and a vote. It's really meant for me. 

Have a nice day!

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