Part 6

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I knocked on Luhan's room's door. I know I'm a girl and it's already late. I musn't go to a boy's room. But... I need to thank him for what he done to me before...

I heard him walked slowly to the door and when he open the door his eyes widen. I already expect that "M-Min Rin?!"

"Umm.. Annyeong Luhan." I waved my hands to him shyly.

"W-What are you doing here?! It's already late."

"Umm... Am I disturb you? I'm sorry..." I looked down.

"A-Ani. It's not like that. You didn't disturb me, don't worry. But what do you want to talked about?"

"Umm... C-Can I go in first?" I said shyly. Goshh... I must really crazy.

Luhan PoV

"Umm... C-Can I go in first?" she said shyly.

"W-What?!" I bulged my eyes. She want to come in?! But it's boy's room...

"If can't I will just go back." She looked down.

"A-Ah... You can" Gosh.... Why I let her?!

"Thank you Lu" I let her come to my room then close the door and there're only both of us. Gosh... it sent me shiver through my spine.

"So, what is it?" I said after we sat at the side of the bed.

"Umm... Thanks for before Lu... You saved me" She only want to say that?!

"No problem" i said but she didn't move even an inch. I give her 'what again?' stared.

"Umm... A-Actually after watching that film... I feel scared to sleep alone..." she said as she fiddling with her fingers

"Can you.... can I sleep with you?" I startled and bulged my eyes. What sleep here????!!!!!! With me??!!!!!

"If you don't want it's okay... I will just sleep at my place"

"But... aren't you scared?"

"Y-Ye-Yeah... But I don't want to be a burden to you."

I sighed I can't let her sleep alone if she's scared of it. "Don't say that. You're not a burden. You can sleep here."

"But there's only 1 bed, you can sleep on the bed while I sleep on the floor." i said.

"Uhh no... It's your room and bed you can't sleep on the floor... "

Min Rin PoV

"Uhh no... It's your room and bed you can't sleep on the floor... "

"J-Just sleep with me on the bed. I-I don't mind it. I can put a pillow on the center" Arrrgghhhh he'll think I'm really crazy, right? What have I just talked about?!! Stupid!!

"A-Are you sure about that?"

"Ne." I nodded.

"Well then..." he slid in inside the bed and put a pillow in the corner. I followed him, I laid beside him and back him. Omoo!!! It's so embarassing!!!!! Just try to sleep Min Rin...

Luhan PoV

I can't sleep....!! Arrghh. It's hard to sleep when you know there's a girl who has just slept beside you. Min Rin rolled his body faced me. The pillow didn't cover her face. She already asleep. How could she sleep when I'm not?!

I faced her and look at her face. She looks so innocent and cute. I can't believe it... I keep 1 of her secret.. And only me who know it. It's unpredictable. She looks reliable and do anything alone. I just don't believe it when I know that she scared of a ghost... It's like Tao, he scared of it too...

I took a traveled through her face and stopped at her pink lips. Arrggghh... did I think to kiss her just now?!! What's wrong with me?!!! I groaned quietly, I don't want to wake her up.

I looked at her face again. Awhh.. she looks so adorable without me notice it i kiss her cheeks and smiled to her. I just keep staring at her face until I fell asleep.

Min Rin PoV

Ughhh... I open my eyes slowly and bulged when I saw Luhan infront of me. Ah... I forgot yesterday I was sleeping in his room. But Luhan is hugging me tightly right now!! I feel my heart beating fast I hope he won't hear it. I tried to move his hand slowly to not wake him up but I fail. His hand can't be moved!!

Suddenly I heard him said while still closing his eyes "Min Rin-ah~ Let's just sleep again~ I'm still tired."

"Yah. I'm not a bolster. Stop hugged me. And wake up you pig"

"I won't its warm. Come on just accompany me sleeping only for a little while" Luhan said while still hugging me. Arrrghh I hate this feeling!!



We sleep again still in that position.

Luhan PoV

I startled when I heard someone's exclaimed.. Arrghh who is that?! I'm still tired you know.... I groaned as I open my eyes looking for the screaming.

I bulged my eyes when XIUMIN IS IN HERE.


"Luhan?! What happened here?!!! Why Min Rin is sleeping with you!??!!"

"Ssshhh... don't shouted or they will hear you." But I'm too late when they all come in here. I got caught.

Min Rin!!! Please wake up and help me here!!! T.T

How is it guys? Comment okay. Don't forget to hear Baek oppa's song 'Dream'. Thank you guys. Vomment please.

Love you guys♡♡♡

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