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~{Y/N}'S POV~

A few hours after talking with Nate and Lawliet, I received a text from Mihael. He was planning to pick me up at the house, so I gave him my address and waited for him to pick me up in the living room.

While I was sitting there, Nate came and sat beside me, putting his head on my shoulder. "Somehow... I don't want you to go out tonight." He muttered, and I smiled at him.

"You just don't want me to be so caught up with Mihael that I'll forget about you. Nate... I just met the guy. Sure, we had our first, or rather, previous life, but things change. And I can't just marry him like that. It'll be okay. Stop worrying."

"Here," Nate said, pressing something into my palm. "I was given this a while back by someone else by the name of Stephen Loud that has their memory... Apparently he was a detective that worked on the Kira case with me by the name of 'Gevanni'. He told me that I had given it to him in his last life, and his family had kept it hidden until now. I don't really know if that's true. But he also said that he's certain that this is yours."


I looked at Nate in confusion before opening my palm. Inside was a necklace with a locket pendant on it. I opened the locket to see a picture of a girl and a boy.

The girl looked just like how I'd looked as a child, or a young teenager, but the boy...

This must be Mihael...

On the other half of the locket was a gothic font 'M', which I assumed was due to Mihael's name.

I chuckled, closed the locket, and put on the necklace. Little did I know when I would clasp the two ends together, it would trigger my memories.








It hit me like a wave; the memories of Mello and I. L, Matt, Mina, Lawliet... everyone.


It's true...

This all happened. I remember!!

I turned back to Nate with tears in my eyes, taking both of his hands into mine. "Near..." I whispered, and he gasped. "You were Near!!"

"Y-you remember?! But I thought-?"

"The locket must've triggered something." I said, "I remember!!"

Lawliet, who had been God knows where, bursted into the room with worry. "What's going on?! What's wrong?"

"L..." I said, "You're L!! You used to be L!"

Lawliet, no... L, looked at me with wide eyes and came up to me cautiously. "Y-you remember-?"

"I remember!!" I screamed, and he hugged me as tight as he could.

"Oh my god... This is real, right?"

"Yeah! I just put on this locket... And everything came to me like a flood."

"So... How much do you remember?" L asked, and I shrugged.

"I remember you two, Matt, Mello, Mina, and Lawliet. I basically remember the times Mello and I were together."

Near and L looked at each other and smirked. "You basically remember the sex?" Near joked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Little perv." I said, "And I remember from around 3 years old to dying."

"That's all you would remember... Mello met you on the streets when you were 3."

"Y-yeah..." I mumbled, still stunned from having the rush of memories come to me at once. "Mihael r-really is Mello... Wait. Mihael is Mello!! That means-!"

Near and L looked at each other with sadness and I stopped myself from speaking.

Why are they...?

"You regained your memory, but that doesn't mean that he has, too. He probably doesn't remember you, yet."

I felt a small tinge of sadness, but shook it off when I heard a loud revving sound come from outside. I peeked out the window to see Mihael stepping off of his parked motorcycle, wearing a black helmet, a black button-up shirt and a leather jacket over it. I blushed and looked back at L and Near, and they flashed me a thumbs-up.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my purse. The doorbell rang, and before I could get there, Near opened the door. "Hello?"

"Uh, hi, is {Y/N} home?" Mihael asked, and I stepped into his vision, clutching my purse nervously.

"H-hi, Mihael. This is my little brother, Nate." I explained, and he knelt down and offered a hand to Near.

"Hey, Nate, I'm Mihael." He said, and Near smirked.

"I'm Nate. {Y/N}'s little brother." He simply said before making a 180 and turning around to walk back to the living room. L, however, came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Good luck, Lil' sis." He joked before walking up to Mihael and extending his arm out. "I'm Lawliet. {Y/N}'s older brother. You're Mihael, I assume?"

"Y-yes, Mihael Keehl." He replied.

"Okay... Well, just be careful and bring back my sister in mint condition. I'll see you two later. Bye, {Y/N}."

L leaned in and kissed my cheek before pushing me towards the door. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house to Mihael's motorcycle. I looked at it anxiously, and Mihael gave me a worried look. "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine, it's just that I've never ridden one before..."

Or rather, in this life... Since I did it in my previous life. Still... It's kinda risky.

"If you want, we can walk. I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable. Or I can get Mail to pick us up."

"No, no, it's okay. I'm sure that I'll be fine."

"You sure? Mail can come pick us up and drop us off."

I pondered the idea for a brief moment, but shook my head. "It's okay, I'm sure." I said, motioning for him to get on the bike. When he did, he turned around.

"Get on." He ordered, and I nodded and slung a leg over the seat, wrapping my hands around him. "Hold on, alright?"

"D-don't worry. I will." I assured, and he passed me a helmet. I put it on and latched onto him, holding on for dear life.

He slowly pulled out of the driveway, taking caution to take it slow, as I was already freaking out.

"Don't worry." He coaxed. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

I blushed and buried my head in his back, feeling comfort with him. It felt right. I knew in that moment that Mihael really was Mello.

This is him.

This is my Mello.

After all of the time we spent apart... I finally found you.

Our Chocolate Romance - Mello x Reader (Death Note Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now