All Is Fair In Love and War

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~{Y/N}'s POV~

A few months after the whole mall thing with Matt, Mihael and I got into a serious relationship. We didn't have sex at that point, but we were almost always together. And when we weren't, I would think of him. Keep him on my mind.

One day, while I was just hanging around the house with L, my phone buzzed. It was Mail.

Yo, geek, can you come meet me in an hour at the park? I've got nothing to do.

"This boy..." I grumbled under my breath, sighing.

Fine. I'll be there as soon as I can be. Where's Mihael?

I replied and pressed send, running to my room to change. As I was putting on a new shirt, it buzzed again.

He's fine. I don't know where he is... He went out. Anyways, I'll see you soon.

I rolled my eyes and slipped on the shirt, grabbed my purse, phone and earbuds, and went back downstairs. "Yo, L, I'm going out!" I called out, and I heard a small groan.

"Ugh, fine. Be careful; don't die!" He responded, and I walked out the door to the house. When I got there, Mail was waiting at the park with a grin on his face.

"Ugh, I was being lazy at home... What's wrong now?" I asked when I approached him, and he pouted.

"I missed you." He said, and I clicked my tongue.

"You're unbelievable." I sighed, linking an arm in his. "So? What's the game plan?"

"Let's walk around downtown. It's a nice day."

And so we started walking around downtown, not really caring where we were going. "So, {Y/N}, how's it going? You seem... tired."

"I've been having a lazy day." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Nice." He said, "So have I, actually. I woke up and didn't wanna get off my bed. By the way, what time is it?"

"Sounds like you." I snickered, pulling my phone out and checking the time. "It's 2:30 PM."

~Mihael's POV~

Dammit, Mail, where the hell are you?

I walked through the streets of downtown, scanning them for any signs of Mail. He had called me and told me to meet him downtown. And didn't exactly specify where. So there I was, running through the alleys of downtown like a maniac, searching for the redhead.

Eventually, I started just a walking around randomly. I pulled my earbuds out of my pocket and plugged them into my phone before playing my Marianas Trench playlist. Humming quietly, I found my way to a small cafe and sat down on a table on the patio. My phone buzzed and Mail had texted.

Meet me on Main Street in front of the record store.

I groaned and got up, walking to Main Street and finding the record store. Once it was in sight, I caught a glimpse of red hair. At the same time, 'Fallout' began to play, and my eyes widened at what I'd seen.

~{Y/N}'s POV~

"It's 2:30 PM," I said, and Mail came to a halt. I looked at him in question, and he smiled.

It wasn't a gentle smile... but rather a smile that someone would make when finding out someone they hated was dead. And it made me slightly cautious. But even caution could not prepare me for what was to unfold.

"You know, {Y/N}," Mail began, "You've been with Mihael for a while now. And don't get me wrong, I'm happy that he's happy and whatever, but I feel like there's someone else you would be better off with."

Thinking that he was just joking, I smirked and put my hands on my hips. "Oh, really? Who?"

"Me." He said before pulling me by the collar to him, pressing his lips to mine. My eyes widened, and I was mentally screaming to run, but I couldn't push him off of me.

No! Matt, dammit, stop!

He held me in that position for a long time, definitely surpassing a minute. Finally, when Mail ran out of breath, he pulled away and smiled at me. I balled my hands into fists, but didn't have the emotional strength to punch him.

He's Matt... I can't hit him.

"{Y/N}..." someone said, and I looked to my left to see a distraught Mihael standing before us.

"W-wait, Mihael, don't get the wrong idea. He kissed me, alright? I didn't... I wouldn't..." I tried, and Mail stepped towards him.

"Listen, Mihael, don't take it personal. I've been looking up to you our entire lives. Someone told me that when you want something, you take it. {Y/N} is something I want. And you have her. So, the only way to get her is to take her."

Mihael seemed to snap as he grabbed Mail's collar and pulled back to punch him. "You bastard... she's not a thing."

"Well, you can get possession of people, too. And I intend to make her mine."

Mihael lowered his fist and grinned. "Game on. One on one. For her." He said, pointing to me. I walked up to him and tugged on him arm, signalling that we should leave.

He turned around and started to walk away, linking his arm with mine. Not even, he was pulling me away from Mail. Not like I minded at that point, but I could barely keep up with him.

"M-Mihael, slow down, I'm gonna fall!" I exclaimed, and he stopped and looked at me.

"{Y/N}..." he muttered, "You love me, right?"

"Of course, Mihael. Whatever the hell that was, I didn't have any say in that. Mail, he just-!"

"I know. I saw. But, {Y/N}..." he continued, "You were going to punch him, but stopped. Why is that?"

I looked at Mihael in surprise. And honestly, if it wasn't for my better judgement, I would've told him everything. About our past life, who Mail really was, all of it. But I bit my tongue and sighed. "I don't know, Mihael. I don't think I had the strength to."

Mihael sighed and pulled me to him, embracing me in a hug. I blushed but hugged back, feeling comfort in the warmth of his body. "Listen. I'm not gonna let him take you. I don't care what it takes. I can't let him have you." He whispered into my ear, and I looked up at him, a smile spread across my face.

"I'm all yours." I replied. "Whether I want it or not."

Because no matter what life we're in, be it this one or the next...

I'll always end up as yours.

Our Chocolate Romance - Mello x Reader (Death Note Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now