I'll Always Be Here For You

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A/N the italics is the voice in Emma's head-Rumple. This story has 909 words-sorry I know it's kinda long. Hope you enjoy.....

Killian POV
The whole diner shook with the impact of the tornado we had just created. I grabbed onto the counter so as not to fall to the ground. As I looked around at all the people who had come together to save Emma I realised just how lonely I felt without her. Everyone here had a friend or someone to hang onto during this time, I didn't. Emma was really all I had and I would stop at nothing to get her back. After about 5 minutes we came to a sudden stop, the diner crashed down into the dirt. I looked out the window and saw trees, everywhere. I ran out the door leaving the others behind. I stood just outside the diner and took in my surroundings. We made it, we were back in the Enchanted Forest. Snow, Charming, Henry, Regina and Robin all followed me out. I gave them one nod and we all ran off. Now all I had to do was find my Swan.

Emma POV
I stood in the middle of the hill of stones. Rumple's voice in my head was getting louder. 'Kill her! Take her heart! It's the only way you can get what you want.' "I can still talk to her." "Your a crazy lady, I don't want to talk." With that Merida came out from behind the stone and fired an arrow at me, I grabbed it just before it hit my chest. I guess having these powers can have some perks, wait, what, no! I can't think like that! I begin trying to talk to Merida but she continues to fire arrows. All from different directions, I stop everyone of them. I start getting sick of the voices in my head and her irritating arrows. 'Kill her, rip out her heart and crush it.' "STOP!" I block yet another arrow and see her shocked face. I raise my hand and pull her closer using my new dark magic. In a split second I reach inside her chest and rip out her heart. I hold her heart in my hand, I look at her face. She's so helpless, so innocent, yet so....useless to me. She took what I needed and now the only way to get it back is to kill her. I have to do whatever it takes to get back to my family, to get rid of the darkness. I grip the heart tighter and slowly begin to crush it, until....

Killian POV
We run up the hill, I can see her at the top. When I get closer I see she has a heart in her hands. "Swan....don't." She looks at me, surprised to see me here. "What...how?" "It doesn't matter how, has anything ever stopped me before?" She turns her gaze back to the red haired girl. "You don't know what's happening. This is the only way to find Merlin, he's the only one who can stop the darkness." 'Quite right, crush it.' "The only way to protect all of you." Regina stepped forward, "but to stop the darkness your going to let it consume you." Emma turned her head to face Regina, "you don't know that." I hear Snow (Emma's mum) behind me speak up for the first time. "We're not going to take the chance." She begins to pull the dagger from her pocket, I know what she intends to do and I won't let her. "No this has to be her choice." Emma seemed to be trying to listen to someone's voice but no one was speaking. Then out of nowhere she spoke, "you don't know what's at steak. If I don't find Merlin the darkness will destroy you all." "Emma please, no." Her head turned toward me and I saw the tears filling up in her eyes. "The darkness destroyed everyone here. Look at what it did to Gold (Rumple) I can't do that to my family....to you." Suddenly all the pain on Emma's face disappears and she focuses on the heart. "She has to die!"

"Stop, listen to your words. It's not you speaking Emma. We can figure it out together. Look at us." I gesture back to our little group. "Heroes and Villains come together for you. Because of you. If we can do it, if we can overcome our demons...then so can you." Mid way through my sentence she turns her face away from me, I hear a little sob escape her lips. She stays facing the other way for a minute. Then she faces the girl again and plunges her heart back in her chest. The girl stumbles back a bit as I keep my main gaze on Emma. She turns and lays her head on my shoulder immediately, tears fall down her cheeks. One more sob escaped her lips. I held onto her tightly so she knew she wasn't alone. That I was here for her, that I always would be. Quietly I whisper in her ear. "I'll always be here Emma. Your not alone." I kiss her head and she leaves her head resting on my shoulder. After that she holds onto me just that little bit tighter. She's scared, scared of losing us all. I silently made a promise that I wouldn't let that happen. I would be here whenever she needed me. I found her and she's safe. I love her and I'm never letting her go.

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