Take a Breath

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Sluggishly walking through the entrance to the house Henry kept his head down, he'd managed to collect the rest of the names of the newcomers to Storybrooke but there were still many out there that needed to be found and helped. As much as he loved helping people and working on Operations, it was all starting to weight on the poor teen. He'd spent the last few months searching and trying to save his mom from being the Dark One, going to hell to try and save Killian from death itself and after they returned he'd gone to New York to try and solve all the problems they'd been facing. Now with all the newcomers he was starting to understand his mom's point of view of 'never catching a break'. He couldn't remember the last time he'd actually attended his high school. The house was silent as he stood in the hallway, slowly he removed his coat and hung it up next to his mother's red one and Killian's black one. Even through his tired state he softly let out a small smile, he was happy for his mom, he was glad she was finally happy. He knew Killian was a good guy, he cared about his mom more than life itself that was pretty obvious even to the young teen. Continuing his walk further into the house he was about to head upstairs when a voice stopped him, "Henry!" Turning around he saw his mom standing in the kitchen, washing items at the sink.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I live here?"

Letting out a small puff of a laugh, Emma wiped her hands on a towel and turned more to her son.

"Duh Henry, I know that. What I meant was, well don't take this the wrong way kid but I kinda thought you were still staying at Regina's."

Henry's brows furrowed as he took in her words, she didn't want him here? Noticing her son's expression begin to change, Emma rushed to quickly explain.

"I mean you know cause of the whole Robin thing and splitting with her evil half. I assumed you were staying till she was ok."

"Yeah well I'm not."

Emma seemed taken back by his harsh tone, "kid, you ok?"

"Yeah I'm just 'peachy' mom!"

Henry tried forcing down the words, he knew he wasn't really angry at his mother but all his feeling were riling up.

"I haven't slept in days, I haven't been able to attend school for months, I haven't been able to have a normal life ever since you came to Storybrooke! It's always one problem after the next and I'm sick of it. I can't keep up, I want normal."

The look of shock and hurt that was now washing over Emma's face was almost enough for Henry to fight his desire to yell at something, someone, but unfortunately the urge to get this all out won over.

"I want to come home to a place my mom actually wants me. But no, no now you've got your stupid pirate and you don't need me anymore. You got a new True Love, if I'm supposed to be happy about it I'm not. I don't have to be happy with him mom, I don't have to be happy with this!"

Leaving it on that he took in the damage he'd done with his words. Daggers to her heart, her eyes filling with unshed tears as she tried to open her mouth to speak but nothing came out. His face still hot from his blow up he ran upstairs past a very confused Killian who was walking down the stairs.

"What's going on, why all the yelling lad?"

Ignoring him, Henry continued his run until finally he was in his room, locked away from everything. God he was in trouble.

He couldn't help it really, he was so damn tired and half the problems they'd been having were somehow mixed up with his mom. He couldn't really help the fact that he lost it at her. He couldn't control his thoughts let alone the words spilling from his mouth. Now he'd broke his mom's heart, he could hear her downstairs with Killian. She was yelling at him. Henry cringed at the thought that he was the reason, he knew his mom and Killian had barely gotten into an argument since they began dating. A few disagreements but never a fight (aside from when they were Dark Ones), tonight changed that record.

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