Endless Torture

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Black surrounds, like a thick fog covering the land. Through the fog a dark red and black sky looms above. Tress are charred, grass is burned, smoke fills the air. It looks like a scene of death, which given the case is only fitting. Through the fog and smoke a body lays motionless, the blood still speeding through their shirt. Death has stolen this life, now the soul is doomed to live in the Underworld forever.

Killian POV

Pain. That's the first thing I feel. An aching pain all over, it's unbearable, like a fire under my skin. My eyes snap open but only to reveal more darkness, the tinges of red in the sky completes the death like scene. Forcing my body up I notice the burned grass and charred tress, not to mention the blood red lake. Looking around I had to come to a conclusion that this was indeed...death. Death or should I say the Underworld oddly enough though looked very similar to the place I had died though. The lake, the trees, it all looked the same, except here it was all destroyed.

Shaking my head in disbelief I began to walk in the direction -that if this were Storybrooke-would lead me to town. Suddenly from the thick black fog a figure appeared. Like the fog, it was dark and hid in the shadows, never moving just standing there. I tried to yell out to find out who or what it was but my voice seemed to have gone. Slowly the figure took its first step forward and as it did, it spoke in the one of the most terrifying voices I've ever heard. "Long time...Captain." The voice sounded metallic, as if it was a robot but had been damaged and broken. A shutter of fear ran through my body as I stayed frozen to the ground. The figure put its right hand out in front and flicked their wrist to the left, all I remember feeling next was pain again. I'd been pushed back into one of the charred tress by the figure's magic. Just as I was about to get up, it threw me again into another tree. Like a ball I was thrown back and forth between tress until the figure spoke up again. "Fight. Get up, don't be a coward." That one word made me stop, before the figure could throw me again I managed to get to my feet. Facing the demon I prepared myself for its worst, but it never came. The figure disappeared back into the fog, leaving me alone in the darkness.

I had no idea how long it had been going on for, hours, days, weeks, I didn't have a clue. All I knew was the feeling of the pain. Of bruises forming on my body, skin being scratched and cut open and the warm blood dripping down my skin. More figures appeared from the shadows after the first demon left. Only ever one at a time, but each of them pulled the same tricks. Throwing me against things, forcing me to the ground. Each one would say: "Fight. Get up, don't be a coward." The word coward rang in my ears like a bell, the word was a disease and I had to fight it. I would never be known as a coward. So every time I forced my damaged body to stand, the figure would simply disappear leaving me alone in the darkness, waiting for the next demon to arrive.

I lost count of how many demons have shown up, or how long I've been struggling like this. I struggle to my feet as the most recent demon fades away, I can't shout out for my energy has been drained. Standing on shaky legs I try to reach out for something to help hold myself up but it's useless. I fall to the ground, my legs giving in, refusing to support my weight any longer. My eyes shut trying to block out the throbbing pains that come from my body, trying to silence the ringing in my ears. Clenching my eyes shut tighter I block everything out, trying to picture the one thing that can give me strength, the one thing that will help me fight all of this. The image of golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes fills my head. The soft voice and the beautiful smile that this beauty owns. My daydreams are cut short though as my body get thrown once again into a tree. The rough bark slicing my skin to create more wounds. My eyes open and I see another black figure, I'm too weak to fight it I know but I can't give up. Just as it raises its hand to hurt me a different voice speaks. It doesn't sound as metallic, it's softer and sounds more human like. The ringing in my ears stops me from hearing it clearly but I make out the words: "Enough. Go back to the shadows." My body collapses to the ground, carefully I pull my myself up slightly to look at the figure. It's hiding in the shadows but instead of just looking like a silhouette, it appears to be a person. They walk forward until they are a metre away, watching them closely I wait for their next move. The figure reaches up and pulls off the hood of its cloak to reveal itself. The golden blonde hair, the emerald green eyes, the soft pink lips, it's impossible. It can't be.

"Emma?" The waver in my voice and the roughness of it surprises me, at least I found my voice. "Killian." She smiles and looks down at me. "Look what they've done, it hurts doesn't it?" I manage a broken smile to my love and a small nod of my head, for the word are too difficult to summon. "Well I guess now you know how it feels." Her tone switches from soft and angelic to wicked and dark. The scowl on her beautiful face breaks my already damaged heart. "Emma." "You promised! You said you'd never leave, you told me you were a survivor...but you lied." "No..no." I was struggling to breathe, this couldn't be real. My Emma would never say this, would she? "I can't believe I ever thought you'd be different. I can't believe I ever thought we could have a future together." That was it, I officially couldn't breathe. What was left of my heart-if I still had one-crushed to dust right in front of me. She was right, I left her. I thought I was saving her and her family by doing this but maybe I was actually hurting her. Did she really feel this way? As I looked up to say something to her, she disappeared right in front of my eyes whispering, "I thought you were worth it."

Laying on my back on the burned grass, I struggled to catch my breathe. My eyes shut to try and keep the tears away. A soft voice spoke through the darkness and my eyes shot open. "Killian?" There she was again, my Swan standing over me looking down, worry etched on her face. "Swan." Smiling she knelt down next to me, using the last bit of energy I had left I managed to sit up. "I'm so sorry Emma, I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you." I reached out to touch her cheek but she moved away. "Please Emma." "Don't you get it pirate? I never loved you." The wounds from being thrown around were nothing compared to the pain I was feeling now. "You....you don't mean that." "Oh but I do. You see I never actually loved you. I missed Neal, you were just a distraction from him." I shook my head slowly, "you told me you loved me more than anyone." "I. Lied." She stood up and looked down at me again. "As if I would ever let you into my heart. My walls were too strong for even you to break, you only thought you were breaking them." Circling around me she continued her attack, her words were daggers and they were all aimed right at my chest. Each one hitting perfectly in the centre, causing it to bleed and tearing it slowly apart. "I'll be better off without you." "Emma." With a wicked grin she was gone again and I was left alone in the darkness questioning everything I had with the woman I fell madly in love with. Was it all a lie, was I really that blind?

She left me alone to fight off the darkness and to live with the pain of never really knowing if she truly loved me or if it was all a joke. That was my fate, an endless torture of heartbreak and misery. I just wanted it to all to fade away, so I laid back down and closed my eyes. Letting the smoke and fog surround me once again, leaving only darkness with a lifeless body in the middle.

A/N: Anyone need a tissue?

This was a dream I had the other night and it was so detailed I had to turn it into a one shot. It hurt to write, I was in tears while writing it. I love Emma and Killian so this was very difficult for me. I really don't like Neal so they part about him was just to torture Killian.

Sorry it's really long. I'm really proud of how this turned out though!! I've never really written anything filled with angst so I was glad I finally was able to do that. In honour of OUAT's 100th episode airing tomorrow and for S5-B to begin. #Operation Firebird🔥🐤

Let me know your thoughts xxx

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