Blankets |Prompt 2|

300 18 5

692 words.....

Emma POV

It's a cold night in Storybrooke, colder than usual anyway. I stare at the fireplace in front of Killian and I. We're both sitting on the lounge, curled up close to try and stay warm. Even with Killian close to me and the fireplace in front of us, I'm still freezing. A shiver runs through my body and it's obvious Killian notices by the way he pulls me closer (if that's possible). "Perhaps we should go to bed love, it might be warmer there?" "But the fireplace is down here." "Aye, but don't we have some box thing that creates heat in our room?" I try to hold back a laugh, "it's called a heater." I turn my head to see the confused look on his face, he's still getting used to all the modern stuff. Suddenly an idea pops in my head and I jump up from the lounge. "Wait here!"

Killian POV

Emma jumps up and runs off. Where the bloody hell is she going? I get up to put more wood on the fire so that it keeps going. Emma returns moments later, a whole bunch of blankets in her arms. "Here Swan," I take the blankets from her and carry them over to the lounge. "You want to stay down here for the night then I assume?" "No silly, I want to build a fort with you!" Before I can ask her why she starts grabbing all the pillows from the lounge and all the cushions (A/N cushions are the parts of the lounge). "Swan, hey stop for a second," I catch her arm and stop her. Turning her to face me, "what are you doing?" "Building a fort, I just said that! Now are you just gunna stand there or are you gunna help?" She tilted her head a little, showing she wanted an answer. "Alright fine." Smiling she went back to pulling all pillows and cushions off our lounge. I pushed it all to the side so we had some room. When I got back up Emma was trying to push the lounge back. "Emma don't do that by yourself!" I rushed over to assist her in pushing it backwards to create more room. "I could have done it." She crossed her arms and huffed like a child. "Yeah I'm sure you could, if you wanted to hurt yourself." Before she can say a thing I go back over to the blankets and pillows. Emma hits me in the back of the head as she joins me on the floor.

Emma POV

After 20 minutes, possibly longer due to Killian's constant flirting and distractions, we have built our fort. "So what was the point in this darling?" Ignoring his comment I crawl inside our creation and lay on my back. Seconds later Killian is right beside me. "Are you just gunna keep ignoring me?" Sighing I give up. "No." "So then," he turns over to face me and gently caresses my cheek. "What's all this about? Why the fort?" Carefully I turn to face him, "'s something I'd do to escape back when I was in the orphanage." He smiles and nods, gesturing for me to continue. "I just felt safe, like nothing could hurt me. It was like a mini home, it was warm and cozy. The only thing missing was someone to share it with. But now..." I lace our finger together. "Now I do." Killian leans in and our lips meet softly, moving in sync like always. Sometimes I swear it's like we were made to be. Pulling away he rests his forehead on mine. A simple gesture yet it means so much. "We should build one more often then Swan, hm?" My only answer is to press my lips against his once more. "I love you." "I love you too Emma."

I snuggle close to him and rest my head on his chest. Killian naturally wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. My eyes flutter closed and I fall asleep to the sound of the fire crackling behind us and the steady rhythm of our heartbeats.

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