Coffee ||Prompt 4||

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Emma POV

I was officially on my 10th coffee today and it was only 1:00pm. Turns out trying to find a way to bring Liam back is gunna be harder than I thought. We'd officially brought Killian back from the Underworld a week ago, and ever since then I'd been trying to find a way to bring his brother back. It broke my heart when I had to watch Killian say goodbye to him when I brought him back home. Liam was so lovely, I could definitely tell that him and Killian were related. I knew how much it would mean for Killian to have him back in his life so that's been my mission since we got back. But it's all been with no luck though. I saved Killian by making a deal with Hades, he gave me his soul back and once I put it back in Killian he was alive again. Unfortunately Hades wasn't so willingly to give me Liam's soul.

Now I was hunched over books that I'd borrowed from the library in my sheriffs office. As far as Killian was aware I was doing normal everyday sheriff stuff. I decided not to tell him I was trying to bring Liam back to life because I didn't want to get his hopes up. I couldn't do that to him, so until I knew I had a definite way to save him I wasn't going to say a thing. I didn't even tell my parents because knowing my mother she'd spill the secret straight away. Henry was the only other person who knew, of course he'd made it into yet another secret mission. This time it was called Operation Seafarer.

Killian POV

After taking Henry out on the Jolly Roger again I dropped him off at Regina's. I checked the time, it was only 1:15pm. Guess I had time to go quickly see my Emma before I headed home to cook her dinner. The walk to the sheriffs station wasn't long and I was there within minutes. I walked through the front door and reached her office door, as usual I knocked on the glass with my hook. "Hello love." Her head snapped up quickly to face me, her expression only showed shock which was unusual. "Killian!" She slammed the book she was looking at closed and pushed it to the other side of her desk rather quickly, a little too quickly. I eyed her suspiciously as she then stood up and walked over to me. "What, what are you doing here?" "I just came by to see how you were love but I think the real question should be what are you doing?" "Why should that be the question? I'm just working on some paperwork that's all. You know boring sherif stuff." She smiled but it looked so forced, usually I can tell when something is up with her. She's like an open book, so why could I read what she was thinking right now!

"Emma, what's going on?" "What do you mean, I'm working." Sighing I hung my head, "no your not. Just tell me love." I noticed Emma hesitate, as if she was struggling to answer. "Nothing is wrong-" Before she could say anything else her phone buzzed. She smiled and quickly went over to her desk and checked it. Without her noticing I sneaked a look over her shoulder to see the message.

Hey xx I think I've got something for you. Can I come meet you?

I couldn't see the person's contact but as soon as I saw the double x I knew I didn't like it. That meant a kiss, who in the world would be sending that to my girlfriend!? I quickly looked again to see Emma typing her reply.

Yeah of course, I'll see you soon xx

I felt anger begin to build up inside me. How could she do this. She brought me back from the Underworld just to cheat on me anyway! That's heartless and nothing I thought my Swan would ever do, I stepped back and ran my fingers through my hair. So this was the big secret. Emma turned around and smiled, "sorry that was nothing important. What were we talking about again?" "Nothing. Absolutely nothing Emma." Her smile fell, "what's wrong Killian?" "What's wrong? Your asking what's wrong with me! I think that question should be aimed at you Emma!" She stepped forward and grabbed me hand, "hey, calm down." I pulled away from her and began to leave. "See you at home?" She looked worried, so she should be. "I guess." With that said I left.

Emma POV

I have no idea what came over him, one second he was interrogating me and the next he's acting like I just cheated on him. It was really unusual. Shaking my head I decided it just let it go and I'd talk to him later about it. I sat back down at my desk and checked my messages again.

Henry- Great, on my way x

I closed my phone and started looking through one of the books once more. Not long after I heard footsteps walking down the hall. Looking up I saw a brown-haired teenage boy. "Hey kiddo, far out you got here fast." I stood up to hug him. "Yeah well I know you want to get Liam back for Killian soon so I thought I'd rush." "Thanks Henry, so what did you want to show me?"

I got home later than usual, the whole house was in darkness. It seemed empty, a little too empty, where was Killian? Searching the house I quickly found him outside sitting on the veranda, an envelope held shakily in his hands. His eyes seemed to focus in on only that, he was oblivious to everything else. "Hey, whatcha doing out here?" His head snapped up and I saw tears pooling at the bottom of his eyes. Instincts took over and immediately I was sitting beside him trying to comfort him. "What's wrong?" "You weren't supposed to be back till I was gone." Gone? What on earth was he talking about? "Why would I you leave?" His expression quickly switched from sadness to anger. "I know alright! Cut the bloody act Swan! Your cheating on me so just admit it!" "What?! I'm not cheating on you, why the hell would you assume that?" Frustrated he ran his finger through his hair, "you texted him at the station when I was right there! I saw the x's, Henry taught me what they mean Swan, I know." Messages, x's what was he- oh no. "No no no Killian, I was talking to Henry. Here look."

I showed him the message and we quickly made up from the argument. I promised to tell him what I was doing when I had more information and he agreed with that. For now though we're just gunna be together and not let anyone tear us apart.

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