Sometimes Nightmares Come True || Part 2

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Emma's eyes snapped open as her body shot completely upright, hurried breaths echoed throughout the silent room. She couldn't control her breathing, her mind wasn't focused on it. Suddenly she reached to her stomach, hurriedly checking for the stab wound. Warm arms wrapped around her shaking form as a soft voice filled her ears.
"Shhh love, it was just a dream."
Her body stiffened against his as she recognised the voice – Killian. She practically jumped out of bed quick to get away from him. How could she be near him when in her 'dream' her worst nightmare had come true? She'd just failed him?
"Emma? Hey love it's just me."
She could tell his tone really meant her no harm but still her fear took over. Backing away further into the corner of their bedroom she shook her head. Carefully he got out of the bed and slowly began making his way over to where she was clearly shaking.
"It was just a bad dream Swan, you know me, and you know you can trust me with anything. Don't be scared love, I'm not going to hurt you."
She'd started to relax at his words until his last sentence sounded through the silence. Creeping back and still shaking her head she could see in his eyes that this was breaking him too, to see her so scared. Keeping her eyes locked on his she continued her movements just as he did his. Unexpectedly she stumbled, falling over her earlier discarded shoes. Before she hit the ground though two strong arms caught her, stopping her fall in an instant. Emma felt him guide her feet back to the floor but refused to let his grip on her go. Instead he moved his hand to her hip, holding her in place, ceasing her escape. Finally she gave in to his embrace, ignoring her head's warnings of danger. This was her true love, her Killian, he wouldn't hurt her. He only wanted to protect her. Giving in she pushed her face into his neck, trying to be as close as possible, letting him just hold her close. They remained there for a few moments, neither moving, the only sound breaking the silence was Emma's soft crying. Her body shook with the force of the tears, Killian scooped her up and carried her back to their bed. Leaving her resting in his lap, just holding her until she calmed down or fell back asleep. He was worried to say the least, he couldn't think of a single thing that could set her off this much, make her this scared. He did know one thing though, whatever it was he'd find some way to make sure it never hurt his girl again.


Her broken tone tore at his heart, the fear was so evident he just wanted to hold her close and never let go. Nothing would hurt her, not if it was up to him. He's assumed she'd fallen back to sleep half and hour ago, with her eyes closed tightly and her snuggling into his chest more.
"Aye darling, I'm here."
Nuzzling her face into his neck he felt her press a small kiss there before he heard her barely there whisper against the same spot.
"I'm sorry."
It baffled him, what in the world could she possibly be sorry for? She hadn't done a thing, gotten scared from a mere dream but that was all. He'd dealt with nightmares before, been living one years before. But he had his Swan now, she'd always chase away any nightmares, whether she knew it or not.
"For what love?"
"Blocking you out again, backing away from you like that. I just," she cut her own words off short, leaving the sentence completely open.
He let out a deep sigh and a slight move of his head to try and get a better look at the beauty in his arms. He knew this would come up, she wanted to speak of the dream but was scared. After years of having no one there to soothe her nightmares she was hesitant to put that faith in him. It hurt a little, after all they'd been through this should be easy for her, but his Swan was always unpredictable. One day she'd be completely open until the next when something had happened closing her off again, not for long due to him being there to help her open right back up. All he could do was be here for her, if she wanted to speak he'd listen. If she just wanted him to hold her until she fell back asleep, he would. Hell if she couldn't sleep but needed him to be there for her he'd deny how tired he was and stay up with her all night, just to make sure nothing hurt her and that she was alright. It overwhelmed him sometimes, how much his heart had been stolen by this woman. How much he loved her, everyday it felt like his heart would give out from how much love he held for her in it. Pressing a soft kiss into her hair he pulled her tighter into him, hoping she could hear his unspoken words.
"I want to, I...I need to tell you Killian but," a slight pause as he heard her let out a annoyed sigh.
"I can't, I just can't."
Her voice betrayed her with the last word, breaking once more and letting a few tears fall down her red cheeks. It pained him to see her like this, so upset, so scared of something he was still yet to discover. Pressing soft kisses to her head he kept his hold on her, slowly rocking them back and forth in an attempt to soothe her cries. Just like the way his mother had done all those years ago. It had always calmed him, he just hoped it calmed his Swan too.
"Shh Emma, you don't have to love. I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here. You don't have to be scared, I won't let anything hurt you. Shh sweetheart, please don't cry beautiful."
His constant whispers into her hair joined with his warm embrace managed to finally calm his love down. Her breathing evened out telling him that she'd finally fallen back to sleep. He just hoped this time no nightmares came to her, that she had a more peaceful sleep.

He stayed awake that night just in case. A good thing he did because the dream occurred twice more before the night was done. But this time when he began to see his Swan flinch and grow restless in sleep he'd gently shake her awake pulling her close before the real nightmare came. He'd find out the cause soon but for now he'd hold her close and never let her go.

A/N: Well damn that took me forever to write, I've been working on this since those images of Emma sword fighting in the street and Killian holding Henry while they watch came out. I heard rumours it's a dream and that's why Emma goes to Archie for help, also that apparently she gets stabbed. Not sure if any of that's true but hers my take on it. In hour of Once being back today I thought I'd update a few thins I've been working on.

Happy Once day!! Let's start Season 6 already!!!

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