Baking |Prompt 1|

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Here's the first prompt. I've read a few stories about CS baking together so I thought I'd put my own spin on it. This has 878 words. Hope you enjoy and if you'd like, let me know what you think.

Emma POV

It was like the middle of the night and I couldn't be more comfortable, with my boyfriend lying next to me, me cuddling close to his chest. So why the hell was I awake! I woke up for no reason, there was no storm, nothing was wrong and yet here I was. I lay looking at Killian, his breathing was slow and as if by instinct he pulled me closer to him. I quietly giggled at his small gesture, it was almost as if in his sleep he knew I was awake. As I silently lay trying to fall back asleep my brain decided I wanted cookies. Yep that's why I woke up, it was 1:00am and I wanted cookies. What the hell is wrong with me!

I tried to ignore the feeling and closed my eyes, but now I couldn't stop thinking about them. So I carefully crawled out of bed and went downstairs. I searched through the cupboards trying to find a packets of cookies but none were to be seen. Sighing I decided I'd just have to make some myself since my stomach was now craving them and my head definitely wouldn't let me sleep without them. Grabbing items out of cupboards and ingredients, I placed them all on the kitchen bench. Unfortunately I hadn't been so quietly whilst doing this. "Emma? What the bloody hell are you doing?!" There he was, in the doorway looking at me with his eyes only opened halfway. His voice was groggy from sleep, which was kinda hot. "I'm hungry and wanted cookies but we have none so instead I'm making them." He groaned and rolled his eyes, "your quite the unique woman Swan. Wanting cookies at 1am, even you've got to admit, that's a little weird." I just laughed and sighed, "yeah well." He came over closer to me and stood right behind me, his hands on my waist. "Sorry if I woke you." "It's fine love, you wanna hand with these?" I spun round and tilted my head, "you wanna help?" "Sure why not, it's not like I'm gunna get to sleep with you down here making noise. Plus it's kinda lonely up there without you." He leaned down  and kissed my cheek, I immediately felt my cheeks begin to blush. How does he still do that, we'd been dating for months now and he could still make me blush with the smallest comment.

We started making the cookies, I'd never really done much baking before but it seemed to be going alright. I placed the cookies in the oven and turned to Killian. "There, now we've just gotta wait." "You know I never thought I'd be up at," he looked at the clock. "2am making cookies with you. Or to be honest, with anyone. This is mental!" I started laughing, "yeah it is but at least we are getting something sweet out of it right?" He walked closer to me so he was right in front of me. "Yeah, I guess there's that." He lent done closing the gap and kissed me. What I didn't notice was Killian had put flour on his hands and was now holding my face in said hands. When we pulled away he struggled to hold back a laugh. "What?" "Nothing love, it's just." A small laugh escaped him. "You've got something on your face." I turned around and looked in the window, which was currently acting like a mirror. I noticed the flour and spun round to face him. "Game on Jones!" I grabbed the flour and threw it at him. Next second we were in a full out flour war. It went everywhere!

In the end Killian was on the floor with me on top of him, both laughing uncontrollably. "Ok ok, truce." "Truce," I agreed and sealed it with a kiss. He didn't hold back from rubbing his flour covered face on mine after our kiss. I just couldn't help but laugh. "Never thought I'd see the day when the fearsome Captain Hook was covered in flour from having a war in the kitchen with his girlfriend."  Killian began to sit up and pushed me up as well. "Only for you Swan." The timer from the oven began beeping and reluctantly I got up from the floor.  I pulled them out and I had to say they looked delicious. "How bout while they are cooling we go get cleaned up?" Placing the cookie tray down on a small coaster I turned to Killian. "Sounds good."

We never actually made it to those cookies, instead I fell asleep on our bed after getting changed. I don't really remember what happened, all I know is that Killian moved me so that I was actually laying in the bed. He joined me not long after, I assumed he had gone downstairs to make sure everything was off. I cuddled up next to him, his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. He left a gentle kiss on my forehead and internally I smiled. We'll just have to cookies in the morning, right now. I just wanted to lay here and sleep with my boyfriend beside me, holding me tight. Times like these I knew I'd cherish, forever.

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