I'd Go to Hell and Back

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A/N: Little story based off of Emma deciding to go to the Underworld to save Killian. 883 words....

Emma POV

I lay on the lounge, twirling the ring around my finger. The one Killian had given to me to keep me safe. At just the thought of him I felt tears sting my eyes. I didn't bother to try and stop them, I let them fall freely and of their own accord. I missed him already, it hadn't even been a day and I already missed him. How the hell was I supposed to cope if I couldn't even survive a full day without thinking about him. That last kiss, the words we'd said, how could I let it all go? Truth, I can't. I'd been laying here ever since my parents brought me back home, home to the house I was supposed to be sharing...with Killian. As the tears fell and I twirled the ring around my finger I heard it. The dagger, it was calling to me but how? Killian destroyed it when he sacrificed himself. How was it calling out? I had to find out and there was only one person who would have the answer-Mr Gold.

I picked the lock and entered, I hated this shop but it was the only place that would provide me with the answers I needed. I waited for a few minutes before I heard him walk in behind me. "Miss Swan this is not Granny's or some bus station. This is my shop." I closed my eyes and rolled them, I didn't have time for this and I really wasn't in the mood. "And unless the sign says open, your not welcome." "The dagger, I can hear it calling to me. Where is it?" His smug grin faded was replaced by a serious expression. "Well your upset, not thinking straight." "I know what I heard! Where is it, you have it don't you?" He stood still for a moment before reaching below the counter and pulling out the dagger wrapped in a cloth. "Indeed I do." Gold placed the dagger on the counter top, I felt my chest tighten at the sight. No, how could he! Where my own name had once been was now replaced by none other than 'Rumplestiltskin'. "You're the Dark One.....again." I felt all my anger building up, Killian's sacrifice was all for nothing. I lost the man I love for no reason. "Killian sacrificed himself and you took that away from him!" I reached my hand out to try and choke him but his magic stopped me. "Do you really think you can hurt me?" I moved my hand away and stood up straight and looked him right in the eyes. "Well Dark One, now you have your magic back, your gunna do something for me." "And why would I do that?" I felt a smug grin form on my face. "Because I still have magic and I'm positive I can get to Belle and tell her everything faster than you can kill me!" His face showed annoyance, "don't test me." I gritted my teeth, this man was a jerk. "Don't test ME!!" "Watch it Miss Swan those are dangerous waters your stepping in." "Why? Scared Belle will leave once she sees just what kind of man you really are, again?"

Gold gave in and now I was on my way to the Underworld. He had opened the portal and we were now walking towards the boat that would carry us away. I was willing to go by myself since I knew this would be a dangerous journey but of course my family decided to tag along. I grabbed at the ring that was now back on the chain around me neck. I held it tightly in my hand, I swear I could feel how much closer we were getting to Killian. Not long now and I'd have him back with me, we could finally start our future together.

Killian POV

I felt the sting still in my stomach from the sword's blow. I got up from the ground and looked around, it looked like Storybrooke but only...darker. Was this the Underworld? I walked back down the streets that were almost identical to the real Storybrooke, except things here were broken and blown up. I passed an alley and as I looked down it I saw the bug. Emma's bug, but here it was charred as though it had been in a fire. Seeing her car only made me think about her, I didn't know how hard this would be on her and I guess I never would. Just at the thought of her the wall in front of me changed and showed a image of her. My Emma walking towards...no! No no no no!! She couldn't be, I told her to let me go, why won't she ever listen to me? I couldn't help but silently laugh, looks like I'll be seeing her sooner than I thought. I remember once saying to her father that I'd to the end of the world for her, but was never sure if she felt the same. I guess I finally got my answer now. Emma Swan would go to hell and back for me, and I'd always do the same for her. Maybe this is True Love, we just don't know it yet.

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