Moving In

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The second he got to his ship Killian couldn't wipe the smile from his face as he dug through his cabin to find a chest. "You seem very chipper this afternoon," from behind him Belle had come down into the cabin. Turning to greet her he smiled and nervously scratched behind his ear. "Aye, well Emma asked me to move in with her so," she cut him off with a small laugh. "That explains it then." The brunette smiled warmly at him as he nodded and turned back to his task of finding the chest. Belle behind him went about the task of making tea, because of course she couldn't get enough of the stuff. Finally finding the chest he moved it to the cot he'd been sleeping on the past few nights so Belle could have the Captain's bed. Suddenly a single thought hit him causing his brows to furrow. "Will you be alright here lass by yourself? The crocodile," "Won't come anywhere near here. He doesn't even know I'm here Killian." "I'm sure he does he's just waiting to do something, not much gets past without that old geezer knowing." He looked back up at Belle before realising what he'd said, "apologises lass didn't mean to speak ill of your husband." "No no Killian its fine, I know you and him have a lot of history and a lot of hate, its fine." Nodding again he went back to finding items that he would be taking to his new home. Home, with Emma, his True Love. His smile returned full force just at the thought of living with her. Quicker he packed the sooner he'd be by her side again. Within an hour he'd packed basically everything he'd need into his chest, putting it beside his cot before checking the time. It was late and Belle had gone to bed a few minutes before. Quietly he got into the hard old worn cot, his dreams filled of him and Emma living together. His last night on the ship that had been his home for so long.

"That's it, one chest?" "Aye well a seafaring life doesn't have much need for a hoard of possessions." "No fights with Emma about closet space then," the brunette laughed a little. Before leaving, Killian gave her a conch shell, proving he had a similar one so if she was in trouble from the crocodile he'd come and help. After that he looked back at the chest and lifted it up taking it off the ship. At that moment Emma's yellow bug rolled up to the docks, he could see her through the front window. She made her way over to him greeting him with a quick peck to the lips and a smile that made his heart flutter. "Ready?" "Of course darling," he bent down and grabbed the chest, "let's go home." Her eyes dropped down to the chest he was holding for a moment and he saw her smile drop. "That's it?" The familiar words made his heart stop fluttering and instead made it ache. "Aye love, I never really kept much." Eyes moving back up to his, Killian could see that she felt horrible. Suddenly it clicked in his head, the white box hidden away in a cupboard at the Sheriff's station. One chest, one box. He understood then why she was looking at him like that, she knew exactly how it felt. Even though now he was sure she would have had more than a few boxes to move into their house, his Swan too had begun with one box. Kissing her forehead he looked at her, hoping she could hear his unspoken thoughts. The smile she gave him back showed him she had. Taking the chest to her car, Killian turned back once to look at his ship before getting in the car with Emma. She instantly took his hand in hers, eyes locked on his ship, "you sure this is ok? We don't have," "Swan." The firmness in his tone was enough to shut her up and cause a light blush to creep up her cheeks. "I know but just, the ship." "Will be fine without me, plus Belle occupies it now. Stop worrying if this is what I want love, I'm positive you know the answer to that already and even before I'd answered you yesterday." A strand of hair brushed back behind her ear and a soft smile, then they were off.

It was easy enough to find space and places for all Killian's items, especially since there weren't many. It warmed his heart to see Emma's clothes hanging beside his and when he turned and found Emma with one of the biggest smiles she'd ever worn he knew she felt the same. By lunch the pair were finished moving in and went downstairs, Emma making 2 grilled cheeses appear on the table and 2 hot cocoa's (both topped with cream and cinnamon, Killian's with a hint of rum). Sitting down, eating and talking, neither could wipe the smile from their face. Once they were finished and Killian took the plates and cup moving them to the sink to be cleaned he heard Emma sigh from where she was still seated at the table. "Why the hell was I so scared of a future with you, we should have done this ages ago." He couldn't help but laugh, "I wouldn't change a thing Swan." He made his way back over to where she was sitting looking at him with so much love it almost made him just want to forget the world and never leave the house with her again. "We got here didn't we?" "Yeah, you know what else we've waited for?" His eyebrow raised of its own accord, he had a feeling he knew what she was going to say. "Not a clue love, enlighten me." Standing up and wrapping her arms around his neck, Killian's instantly went around her waist. "Come on pirate, we've got a new bed to break into."

Yeah they weren't leaving the house, let alone their bedroom, ever again. 

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