Finding You ~ Part 1

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It was bright and warm, a place that had the real potential for a home. A place I really wanted to share with him. From the white picket fence to the turrets on the roof. It seemed like such a stereotypical place but for me, but it was all I'd ever wanted. A place I could call my own, - or in this case ours - a place where I finally could stop running and live knowing forever that I was home. That's what I want more than anything, and I'm determined to have it. It was a promise and I refuse to let it be broken. I want the house, with him.


It was darker and gloomier now. It's mostly likely because of where we are but it feels like more than just that. Instead of being perfectly painted and designed, it was destroyed and burnt. It's lost all it's glow. Its's empty, a perfect reflection of my heart.

Taking a deep breath I open the gate, it was broken down here, it wasn't as white as it was back home. I wondered what the inside would look like, if it would remain the way it was in Storybrooke. It couldn't be any worse than the state I left it in. The second I arrived home after he died I couldn't stand that I was in the house - that was meant for us - alone. Lamps were smashed, tables flipped, bottles broken and cushions torn apart. I was sure it would look like a mess, just as it did back home right now. Walking up towards the house I felt my chest tighten and breathing began more of a struggle. Just as I reached the porch steps I began to feel faint, my head was spinning and my chest was so tight I could barely get a breath out. I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning I saw my mother, she offered me a soft broken smile, trying to be supportive. I glanced at the rest of the group, all seemed very hesitant but hid it behind supportive smiles. I couldn't make them see what I knew was horrific. Just because it didn't bother me doesn't mean it wasn't scaring the living daylights out of them. Sighing I spun completely around, "Stay here, I'll call out if I need help. It's dangerous and I'm not letting anyone else get hurt because of me. I'll go and find him, wait here." There were a few arguments but in the end we agreed-I would go in and find him and I alone.

Looking down the spiral stairway that lead down into the very bottom of the house, I crept quietly along the trail. I knew where it lead back home but here, I had no idea. The stairs quickly changed from actual stairs into large rocks that acted as a stairway. The deeper I went down the darker it became and it got harder to see ahead of me. Unusual noises could be heard, like far off screaming or scratching against the cave wall. Trying to keep my heartbeat steady and my breathing normal I pushed away the feeling of fear that washed over me. Finally I saw a faint light at the bottom of the stairs. Grabbing the flame torch I ventured deeper into the cave, as I walked along the screams and straining noises became more evident. Suddenly I heard what sounded like footsteps up ahead, pausing I hid in the shadows, attempting as best I could to hide the torch without distinguishing it. Whatever it was passed and I continued on my way, the deeper I went into this place the creeper it became.

Finally I came to a large area filled with light, the room that the screams were emanating from. Standing behind a pillar I listened, waiting for any sign of anyone other than the screams. Deciding there was no danger I stepped into the room. My eyes darted over the long passageway that held dozens of large cages that appeared to be acting as jail cells. They were raised up slightly from the ground, hanging in the air. Immediately at the sight of someone standing on the ground, all the people in the cages began calling out to me. Asking, begging for my help, to set them free. As I wandered further down the passageway the screams began to fade and changed to sobs. Suddenly a voice called out but it was different from the others. It was one I didn't recognize but I turned to look at the person anyway. A girl, no more than 18 stood against the bars looking down at me. "What are you doing here? He'll kill you if he finds you wandering around down here. This is his prison." She seemed shocked and fairly concerned. "Who? Hades?" She hung her head and stepped back slightly, "don't ever speak that name. He's the God of this place, you mustn't-" "Listen honey I don't give a damn if he runs this ghost-town or not. I came down here to find someone and I'm not leaving till I do. So whatever Hades has planned for me is gunna have to wait cause I don't have the time right now." Beginning to turn away from the loony she spoke up again. "Fearlessness, you'll need that down here. Trust me I know." I walked over closer to her cage, "can you help me? I've been lead to believe Hades has someone I love very much held prisoner down here. Would you have any idea where he might hide him?" "All the prisoners are held in cages like these you see before you, he would have to be in one of these. Unless...." She trailed off and hid back in the shadows of her cage. "Unless what?! Please if you know something you have to tell me. You don't understand I need him back!" The girl remained hidden and my frustration grew with each passing seconds she just stood there. "If you help me I can get you out of here, I'll free you." Her interest suddenly sparked up, "you can do that?" "Tell me what you know while I work on unlocking that door."

The girl's name was Megara (Meg), our deal was sealed as I unlocked her cage door and she told me where Hades might be keeping my pirate. We ran down the dirty corridor towards the area she told me was forbidden for anyone to enter..EVER! Creeping up I listened for any noise, a ear-piercing scream was heard and in an instant I recognized it-Killian! Waiting I heard Hades' laugh and then slam a door shut. "You'll never see her again pirate!" His laugh echoed throughout the cave and I wanted to just run in there and beat all the smart-ass out of him. Instead I waited till he left then crept into the dark red room. There lying on the floor of a rusted old cage, beaten, bruised and bloodied was the exact person I'd been looking for. I found him, I just hoped it wasn't too late.

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