What Did You See?

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A/N This is a OUAT/Captain Swan story, it has 1082 words. The 5x02 episode has provided inspiration, this is a completely made up scene (except the first paragraph) it follows up a rather big scene but don't worry it's ok if you haven't seen it. BTW they are in Camelot, a ball has just happened, everyone has their own room (it's like a hotel). Enjoy....

Emma POV
I hovered my hand over Robin's body, Regina was right she couldn't loose another person she loved. I knew that if anything happened to Killian and she could do something to help him, I'd want her too. I used magic and just as I was moving my hand back away from him we all heard Robin gasp for air. I stood in shock, I saved him but at what cost. Regina rushed to his side, "Regina?" "Robin!" She leaned down and kissed him, normally I would have been happy for her but something was different. Something was wrong, I could feel it inside me. I did the only thing I could think of that I hoped would stop this weird feeling. I spun round, grabbed the lapels of Killian's coat and pulled him towards me. In a second my lips crashed on his. At first it was my desperate attempt to rid myself of the odd feeling I had inside but then mid-way through the kiss, I melted into it. He always seemed to have that effect on me, I was enjoying the moment when he suddenly pulled away. "Emma?" He moved his hand and hook to my shoulders, "are you alright?" The weird feeling returned once he pulled away, "I'm fine. Just feel a little woozy. I might go lay down for awhile." I left his arms and walked towards the door, I turned once to look at him then shut the door and ran to my room.

Killian POV
She rushed out the door to get away, I could tell something was wrong, she was just to stubborn to tell me. I knew we shouldn't have let her use dark magic, whatever is wrong it's Regina's fault. She made her do this! I glared at Regina then headed towards the door myself. "Hook, where are you going?" "To find Emma, something's wrong I know it." As I twisted the handle David rushed to stop me, "just give her time and space. She'll be-" "She'll be what!? Fine? I doubt it, something is very wrong and I intend to find out what." With that I opened the door, stepped out and slammed it shut again.

I made my way to her room, it was a good thing I remembered which one it was, there were so many rooms in this damn castle. I knocked on her door but no reply came, I tried 2 more times. Each time nothing, "Swan? Are you in there?" Again no reply was heard, I twisted the handle and it opened. I carefully stepped inside and closed the door behind me. There she was, standing at the window staring out at the kingdom. Her beautiful white dress trailing behind her a little, her golden hair let loose down her back and to top it off the lovely flower crown. Her mother made her wear it, she didn't want to but I thought it suited her. "Swan?" She turned her head slightly but not enough to show me her face. "Go Killian, I'm fine..really." Her voice wavered and I could tell she was holding back tears. I walked across the room  and stood behind her, I turned her around to face me. "Emma your not fine love, what's wrong? You can tell me anything." I searched her eyes for a reason as to why she was acting this way. I saw tears pooling at the bottom of her eyes but being the stubborn lass that she was, she refused to let them fall. "I can't hide anything from you can I?" "Nothing, your an open book love. Have been since the day we met." She let out a small laugh and hung her head. "You won't believe me, as hard as you'll try...you won't understand Killian."

"Emma, please tell me what's troubling you." I lifted her head up face me and saw a single tear roll down her cheek. "The darkness." I tilted my head and looked at her confused, what about the darkness? Seeing my confused state she spoke again. "It, I don't..it's hard to explain." "Give it your best shot." Rolling her eyes at me she stood for a moment summoning the words to say then spoke. "Before I healed Robin, when it looked like I was talking to a wall..I wasn't. Rumplestiltskin he's, well he's kinda in my head. He tells me what to do and how to embrace the darkness. I'm trying not to but..when I used magic then." Her voice faded until she stopped speaking altogether. She placed her head against my chest and I hugged her tightly, placing a small kiss to the top of her head. "When I kissed you it was to try and stop the feeling of the darkness growing. But it didn't work, it was but then it stopped." "We'll figure it out love, we always do." I let her go and saw that while I was holding her she finally let her tears fall, I wiped the remaining ones away and caressed her cheek. "Don't worry, I will find a way to save you. No matter what it takes." I leaned down slightly and kissed her, when we pulled away I saw a faint smile on her lips. "Do you want to go back now?" She shook her head, "so you want to stay here?" "Yeah but Killian? Can you...can you maybe..stay with me?" I looked at her and smiled but inside I was shocked. I'd never stayed with Emma for the night. "Of course love."

We walked over to her bed and laid down, I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. She leaned her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you Killian." "For what gorgeous?" "Never giving up on me, for always being there, just for being you." She lifted her head and kissed my cheek. "Of course, anything for you." She smiled while, rolling her eyes. "Night Killian." "Goodnight Emma." She soon fell asleep and I laid watching her breathing slowly. She was peaceful like this, nothing could hurt her. I finally closed my eyes and slept lying next to the woman I love.

Emma POV
For the first night since I became the Dark One I slept undisturbed. Every night I had been waking from terrible dreams. But with Killian holding me I knew I was safe, nothing would hurt me. Not even the darkness.

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