Cooking |Prompt 3|

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Remember Killian is still getting used to modern technology😉 This one has 853 words...

Killian POV

I unlocked the front door and practically ran inside. If I wanted to be ready for before Emma got home I'd have to be quick. Reaching the kitchen I unpacked all the items I'd just bought at the supermarket. Double checking I had everything I went and grabbed the recipe that Emma's mum had leant me. Rushing around the kitchen I found all the items I'd need. I'd never really cooked before, only every now and then. Mostly it happened to be fish I had been cooking, since I was a pirate. Now I had to try and make some special type of pasta that was apparently my Swan's favourite. I only had an hour before she got home, better get to work then.


The food all seemed to be going to plan and it looked good so far. I decided to quickly duck upstairs to change into something a little more fancy. Emma had been working way too hard recently so I decided she needed a break. That meant cooking dinner for her and then hopefully watching something on the magic box that her boy seems so fond of. After insuring I looked suitable for our evening I started to head back downstairs. That was until the beeping started. BEEP! BEEP!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!!! I covered my ears, what the bloody hell was that?! It continued . BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!! I tried to locate where the sound was coming from, when I reached the kitchen I got my answer. Smoke was coming from the 'stove', the pot of pasta was boiling over the sides. Frantically I turned everything off and tried to find a way to fix everything. Once I finally got the beeping to stop and everything calmed down, one voice set my heart racing faster than it already had been. "What the?!" Oh no, now...I was screwed.

Emma POV

Finally I got off work and was headed home for the day. I jumped in my bug and drove straight home. When I unlocked the door, I heard what sounded like Killian but I definitely couldn't make out what he was doing. I walked to the kitchen hoping to find my pirate there. As soon as I turned the corner to go to the kitchen my mouth dropped open. "What the!?" My eyes scanned the room, taking in all the mess, then they locked on the pirate who stood before me with his back turned. Slowly I saw him hang his head and spin round to face me. ", uh," nervously he scratched behind his ear. It's one of his nervous ticks that I've noticed. "I uh, can explain." "You better hope you can! What the hell happened here?" "I was trying to cook you dinner since you've been working so much lately, but it didn't really end up to great."

My mouth still hung open, expect now it was open for a different reason. He was trying to do something sweet for me and I just walked in and yelled at him. Guess I'm winning prize for 'worst girlfriend of the year.' "I'm really sorry love, I promise I'll clean it all up." Sighing I dumped my stuff on the ground and walked over to him. "No it's fine Killian, I'm sorry I yelled at you. This is really sweet, thank you." I quickly hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Your not, mad at me?" "No, how could I be. This is the nicest thing anyone's every done." I buried my head in the crook of his neck. "But we still have to clean this mess up." "Aye love, how bout I make a start on it while you go upstairs and change, hm?" I simply nodded and rushed upstairs.

When I got back downstairs Killian had already pretty much finished cleaning up. "Sorry love, I was trying to make your favourite but I don't think I'm quite up to that yet." Giggling, I walked over to him. "Yeah maybe I should teach you the basic first." "Aye, that would probably be best." We both laughed before I went over and checked how many ingredients he still had left. "How bout we start again, and this time," I leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I'll help you." I pressed my lips to his cheek and then spun back around to prepare the meal. "I think that sounds good love, so tell me. Where did I go wrong?"

Killian POV

We ended up cooking the meal together and it tasted amazing. The evening didn't go exactly as I'd planned but I thought it still ended up being pretty good. We headed to bed shortly after finishing our meal.

I kissed Emma's head gently and pulled the blankets up over our bodies. She moved closer and nuzzled her head on my chest, still not stirring from sleep. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close, refusing to let her slip away. My eyes closed and I fell asleep with the love of my life in my arms. Nothing could beat this, ever!

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