Girlfriends and Teasing

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She was proud of him, there was no other words. She was just a proud mother. Her son had not only saved the day (even though he was the one who put it in danger in the first place) but he had also landed the girl he'd been crushing on. She couldn't help sneak a few glances in the back seat to look at the two teenagers. They were holding hands which was too cute, Emma wasn't sure if they were actually dating or if they were still 'just friends'. It was quite the story though for these two young kids, but then again who in Storybrooke didn't have a difficult love story. In a way Emma couldn't help feel proud of how much her kid stuck with the girl. He clearly liked her a lot and Emma was beginning to realise that Violet felt the same. She couldn't help smile when she'd found the record of 'their' song when they'd been at Neal's apartment (she'd hated every second of being in that jerk's house). Emma knew she'd get to tease Henry about his girlfriend later and if she knew her own boyfriend he'd definitely get a kick out of teasing the boy. Smiling as she drove Emma sighed hoping that at least this would be a normal change.

Getting out of the car Emma made sure her and Regina stayed away while Henry said goodbye to Violet. They stood talking for a bit and while Emma didn't want to eavesdrop, they were standing right there. The others all pulled up in the other car, everyone stayed in the car but Killian. He got out and started to make his way to Emma, she shot him a look telling him to stay where he was for a minute. Just as she turned back around she saw her son lean forward and press his lips to Violet's. At first she was shocked but that was quickly replaced by a smug grin as she watched him end the kiss. Violet walked off smiling from ear to ear, Henry was too until he turned around and saw both his mothers and Killian looking at him. Regina seemed less than impressed and walked off saying she had things to do whilst Emma stepped forward towards Henry. "Really?" Henry groaned and Emma definitely couldn't help the smug grin plastered to her face now, "she's a nice girl kid." The boy groaned again and Emma just laughed slinging her arm around his shoulders. "Oh come on kid, it's not that bad. We only just witnessed your first kiss!"

Smug grins on both their faces Emma and Killian went inside to Granny's with Henry. Henry thought it was bad enough that his mother had seen him kiss Violet but boy was he wrong. The fact that Killian 'the flirt' Jones had seen as well was a nightmare. He wouldn't stop teasing him and offering tips for dating. Emma had been laughing at first which is why Henry had been letting it pass. His mum was happy and if he was honest, he was too. Killian was like a father to him even if he didn't admit that, it felt like something a dad should do to tease the kid about his girlfriend. "It was your first kiss so we'll let you get away with that lad but next time you should try-" "Ok well that's enough of that." Henry laughed at how quickly Emma had cut the pirate off. "What's wrong love, worried my advice won't be appropriate for the boy?" "Yes, that exactly what's wrong." "Well lad if you do need any help, you can always come to me. I know my way around kissing, just ask your mother here." That was it Emma lost it, she almost spat her drink out but ended up choking on it instead. Her face turned crimson and once she caught her breath she turned and punched Killian in the arm. He was laughing hysterically at managing to embarrass his girlfriend in front of her son. Henry couldn't help laughing. All three were laughing by now, a normal moment for once in their hectic lives. This was their family and they'd all take every embarrassing moment they could get.

A/N: I haven't updated this book in sooo long. Haha oh well I'm working on a bunch of stuff for it now since its hiatus again😭😂

I'm a sucker for any Captain Cobra Swan or Swan-Jones Family fluff, I love them so much. So here's something little, I really wanted Killian to see Henry kiss Violet because I knew he'd tease him. Just a cute little family fic!

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