Domestic! CS - 'Memories' Shawn Mendes

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Killian awoke, hearing soft footstep padding down the stairs. The owner of said footsteps was clearly trying to be quiet which brought a smile to his face. She was trying not to wake him but of course he'd notice her disappearance, after all she had been wrapped up in his arms. He listened carefully to hear her soft movements downstairs. They were oh so quiet and most wouldn't hear her at all. Waiting for a few minutes he simply listened before finally rising to his own feet to find his love.

"What are you doing down here love?" She spun on her heel, blonde hair flying everywhere. What started out as little wisps that refused to be held together by her hair elastic were now full strands falling out of her messy ponytail. "Oh it's just you, you know Killian you really shouldn't sneak up on people like that." Chuckling he reached out and took her hand, pulling her closer. "Apologies darling, now what are you doing down here when we have a lovely warm bed up there." "I just wanted to come down and look at the ocean." His brow furrowed as he looked at her confused. "I had a nightmare Killian, it's nothing really. I just wanted to come down cause it's relaxing and...calm." She bit her lip after trying to read his expression, of course it showed concern. "what was the nightmare?" She hung her head and nuzzled it into his chest, without answering. "Emma. Come on, what was it about?" She whispered something even he couldn't hear or understand. "Come again darling." "I said it was about you!" Emma's voice was stern at first but broke by the time she said 'you.' 

He pulled her even closer into his chest, "Emma you know I'm ok. I'm not going anywhere. Let's go back to bed yeah?" Shaking her head she escaped his grasp, "I'll be up in a minute." Reluctant to leave but knowing she'd be annoyed if he didn't Killian kissed her cheek and walked towards to stairs. Emma stood not moving for a moment before he heard a small sob escape her lips. Sighing he went back down the stairs and gently scooped her up in his arms. Instead of going back upstairs with her he carried her outside into the cool night air. From there he sat down holding he close just listening to the waves roll in. Neither spoke, just simply listened.

"I've an idea love," he waited for a response but didn't receive one. "You wait here, I'll be back in a minute." Carefully he rose to his feet and made his way back into the kitchen. He grabbed a pen and a few pieces of paper. When he got back to Emma she was leaning against the patio's column. He settled beside her and began writing. After a few moments she looked up, "what are you doing?" Her voice was soft and sweet, he loved hearing her speak. "Writing down every word I've ever said to you. The nice ones of course darling." He smiled and winked at her before continuing on with his task. Emma took to the pen from him in one swift motion and began writing on a different piece of paper. "Alright love what are you doing?" "Writing our story, help me." Moving closer to her he sat and together they wrote their story so far from their perspective. Emma was able to sleep easier after that and Killian considered it a win.

He lifted her into his arms and carried her bridal style heading back inside. Even just walking through the back door inside again his heart fluttered. He finally had a home with her, them together. Henry's teenage clutter was everywhere, spread out all over the house - even though Emma had specifically told him to clean it up. Pictures had already began to take up space on the walls and their belonging already put away safely. Smiling softly he made it upstairs with his girlfriend and laid her down carefully. Her eyelids fluttered but never opened. Leaning down Killian pressed a light kiss to her temple before falling into a deep sleep beside her.

A/N: See I promised some fluff and here ya go, some fluffy domestic moments based off Shawn Mendes' song 'Memories'

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